Editing OpenLDAP Server in container

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Step by Step Installation and Configuration OpenLDAP Server
<h3>Step by Step Installation and Configuration OpenLDAP Server</h3>
<h4>By Ganesh (<a href="mailto:ganesh35@gmail.com">ganesh35@gmail.com</a>) </h4>
Software: OS-Cent OS 4.4, openldap 2.2.13-6.4E<br>
Software: OS-Cent OS 4.4, openldap 2.2.13-6.4E<br>
Line 5: Line 6:
Domain name: adminmart.com<br>
Domain name: adminmart.com<br>
System IP:<br>
System IP:<br>
<b>Note:</b> Use your domain name and IP instead of adminmart<br>
'''Note:''' Use your domain name and IP instead of adminmart
<h3>Create VPS with OpenLDAP</h3>
Create, Install vps with the following information<br>
- vpsid  : 212<br>
- vpsip  :<br>
- vpsname : ldap<br>
- vpshostname : ldap<br>
<b>Note:</b> Please run these commands on hardware node<br>
    vzctl create 212 --ostemplate centos-4-i386-minimal<br>
    vzctl set 212 --ipadd --save<br>
    vzctl set 212 --nameserver --save<br>
    vzctl set 212 --onboot yes --save<br>
    vzctl set 212 --userpasswd root:changeme --save<br>
    vzctl set 212 --name ldap --save<br>
    vzctl set 212 --hostname ldap --save<br>
    vzctl start 212<br>
    vzyum 212 install *openldap* -y<br>
<h3>Configuration of OpenLDAP Server</h3>
<b>Easy steps for adding users:</b>
1. Create unix user<br>
2. Create unix user's ldap passwd file<br>
3. Convert passwd.file to ldif file<br>
4. Add ldap file to LDAP Directory using ldapadd<br>
<h4>Step #1. Requirements</h4>
compat-openldap.i386 0:2.1.30-6.4E<br>
openldap-clients.i386 0:2.2.13-6.4E<br>
openldap-devel.i386 0:2.2.13-6.4E<br>
openldap-servers.i386 0:2.2.13-6.4E<br>
openldap-servers-sql.i386 0:2.2.13-6.4E<br>
You can install them using the command:<br>
    yum install *openldap* -y <br>
== Create container with OpenLDAP ==
<h4>Step #2. Start the service</h4>
Create a container with the following settings:
* ctid: 212
     [root@ldap ~]# chkconfig --levels 235 ldap on<br>
* IP address:
* name: ldap
* hostname: ldap
Run these commands on the hardware node:
    vzctl create 212 --ostemplate centos-4-i386-minimal
    vzctl set 212 --ipadd --save
    vzctl set 212 --nameserver --save
    vzctl set 212 --onboot yes --save
    vzctl set 212 --userpasswd root:changeme --save
    vzctl set 212 --name ldap --save
    vzctl set 212 --hostname ldap --save
    vzctl start 212
    vzyum 212 install *openldap* -y
== Configuration of OpenLDAP Server ==
Easy steps for adding users:
# Create unix user
# Create unix user's ldap passwd file
# Convert passwd.file to ldif file
# Add ldap file to LDAP Directory using ldapadd
=== Requirements ===
compat-openldap.i386 0:2.1.30-6.4E
openldap-clients.i386 0:2.2.13-6.4E
openldap-devel.i386 0:2.2.13-6.4E
openldap-servers.i386 0:2.2.13-6.4E
openldap-servers-sql.i386 0:2.2.13-6.4E
You can install them using the command:
    yum install *openldap* -y
=== Start the service ===
     [root@ldap ~]# chkconfig --levels 235 ldap on
     [root@ldap ~]# service ldap start <br>
     [root@ldap ~]# service ldap start <br>
=== Create LDAP root user password ===
<h4>Step #3. Create LDAP root user password</h4>
     [root@ldap ~]# slappasswd
     [root@ldap ~]# slappasswd<br>
     New password:
     New password:<br>
     Re-enter new password:
     Re-enter new password:<br>
     [root@ldap ~]#
     [root@ldap ~]#
<h4>Step #4. Update /etc/openldap/slapd.conf for the root password</h4>
    [root@ldap ~]# vi /etc/openldap/slapd.conf<br>
    #68 database bdb<br>
    #69 suffix "dc=adminmart,dc=com"<br>
    #70 rootdn "cn=Manager,dc=adminmart,dc=com"<br>
    #71 rootpw {SSHA}cWB1VzxDXZLf6F4pwvyNvApBQ8G/DltW</code>
=== Update /etc/openldap/slapd.conf for the root password ===
<h4>Step #5. Apply Changes</h4>
    [root@ldap ~]# vi /etc/openldap/slapd.conf
    #68 database bdb
    #69 suffix "dc=adminmart,dc=com"
    #70 rootdn "cn=Manager,dc=adminmart,dc=com"
    #71 rootpw {SSHA}cWB1VzxDXZLf6F4pwvyNvApBQ8G/DltW
=== Apply Changes ===
     [root@ldap ~]# service ldap restart
     [root@ldap ~]# service ldap restart
=== Create test users ===
<h4>Step #6. Create test users</h4>
     [root@ldap ~]# useradd test1
     [root@ldap ~]# useradd test1<br>
     [root@ldap ~]# passwd test1
     [root@ldap ~]# passwd test1<br>
     Changing password for user test1.
     Changing password for user test1.<br>
     New UNIX password:
     New UNIX password:<br>
     Retype new UNIX password:
     Retype new UNIX password:<br>
     passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
     passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.<br>
     [root@ldap ~]# useradd test2
     [root@ldap ~]# useradd test2<br>
     [root@ldap ~]# passwd test2
     [root@ldap ~]# passwd test2<br>
     Changing password for user test2.
     Changing password for user test2.<br>
     New UNIX password:
     New UNIX password:<br>
     Retype new UNIX password:
     Retype new UNIX password:<br>
     passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
     passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.<br>
     [root@ldap ~]#
     [root@ldap ~]#<br>
'''Note:''' Repeat the same for the rest of users.
<b>Note:</b> Repeat the same for the rest of users <br>
=== Migrate local users to LDAP ===
<h4>Step #7. Migrate local users to LDAP</h4>
    [root@ldap ~]# grep root /etc/passwd > /etc/openldap/passwd.root<br>
    [root@ldap ~]# grep test1 /etc/passwd > /etc/openldap/passwd.test1<br>
    [root@ldap ~]# grep test2 /etc/passwd > /etc/openldap/passwd.test2<br>
<b>Note:</b> Repeat the same for the rest of users<br>
    [root@ldap ~]# grep root /etc/passwd > /etc/openldap/passwd.root
<h4>Step #8. Update default settings on file /usr/share/openldap/migration/migrate_common.ph</h4>
     [root@ldap ~]# grep test1 /etc/passwd > /etc/openldap/passwd.test1
     #71 $DEFAULT_MAIL_DOMAIN = "adminmart.com";<br>
     [root@ldap ~]# grep test2 /etc/passwd > /etc/openldap/passwd.test2
     #74 $DEFAULT_BASE = "dc=adminmart,dc=com";<br>
'''Note:''' Repeat the same for the rest of users.
<h4>Step #9. Convert passwd.file to ldif (LDAP Data Interchange Format) file </h4>
    [root@ldap ~]# /usr/share/openldap/migration/migrate_passwd.pl /etc/openldap/passwd.root /etc/openldap/root.ldif<br>
    [root@ldap ~]# /usr/share/openldap/migration/migrate_passwd.pl /etc/openldap/passwd.test1 /etc/openldap/test1.ldif<br>
    [root@ldap ~]# /usr/share/openldap/migration/migrate_passwd.pl /etc/openldap/passwd.test2 /etc/openldap/test2.ldif<br>
<b>Note:</b> Repeat the same for the rest of users<br>
=== Update default settings on file /usr/share/openldap/migration/migrate_common.ph ===
<h4>Step #10. Update root.ldif file for the "Manager" of LDAP Server </h4>
    [root@ldap ~]# vi /etc/openldap/root.ldif<br>
    #1 dn: uid=root,ou=People,dc=adminmart,dc=com<br>
    #2 uid: root<br>
    #3 cn: Manager<br>
    #4 objectClass: account<br>
<h4>Step #11. Create a domain ldif file (/etc/openldap/adminmart.com.ldif)</h4>
    [root@ldap ~]# cat /etc/openldap/adminmart.com.ldif<br>
    dn: dc=adminmart,dc=com<br>
    dc: adminmart<br>
    description: LDAP Admin<br>
    objectClass: dcObject<br>
    objectClass: organizationalUnit<br>
    ou: rootobject<br>
    dn: ou=People, dc=adminmart,dc=com<br>
    ou: People<br>
    description: Users of adminmart<br>
    objectClass: organizationalUnit<br>
<h4>Step #12. Import all users in to the LDAP</h4>
<b>Add the Domain ldif file </b><br>
     #71 $DEFAULT_MAIL_DOMAIN = "adminmart.com";
     [root@ldap ~]# ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=adminmart,dc=com" -W -f /etc/openldap/adminmart.com.ldif<br>
     #74 $DEFAULT_BASE = "dc=adminmart,dc=com";
    Enter LDAP Password:<br>
    adding new entry "dc=adminmart,dc=com"<br>
    adding new entry "ou=People, dc=adminmart,dc=com"<br>
    [root@ldap ~]#<br>
<b>Add the Users</b><br>
    [root@ldap ~]# ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=adminmart,dc=com" -W -f /etc/openldap/root.ldif<br>
    Enter LDAP Password:<br>
    adding new entry "uid=root,ou=People,dc=adminmart,dc=com"<br>
    adding new entry "uid=operator,ou=People,dc=adminmart,dc=com"<br>
    [root@ldap ~]#<br>
    [root@ldap ~]# ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=adminmart,dc=com" -W -f /etc/openldap/test1.ldif<br>
    Enter LDAP Password:<br>
    adding new entry "uid=test1,ou=People,dc=adminmart,dc=com"<br>
    [root@ldap ~]#<br>
     [root@ldap ~]# ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=adminmart,dc=com" -W -f /etc/openldap/test2.ldif<br>
    Enter LDAP Password:<br>
    adding new entry "uid=test2,ou=People,dc=adminmart,dc=com"<br>
    [root@ldap ~]#<br>
<b>Note:</b> Repeat the same for the rest of users<br>
=== Convert passwd.file to ldif (LDAP Data Interchange Format) file ===
<h4>Step #13. Apply Changes </h4>
    [root@ldap ~]# /usr/share/openldap/migration/migrate_passwd.pl /etc/openldap/passwd.root /etc/openldap/root.ldif
     [root@ldap ~]# service ldap restart</code> <br>
    [root@ldap ~]# /usr/share/openldap/migration/migrate_passwd.pl /etc/openldap/passwd.test1 /etc/openldap/test1.ldif
    [root@ldap ~]# /usr/share/openldap/migration/migrate_passwd.pl /etc/openldap/passwd.test2 /etc/openldap/test2.ldif
'''Note:''' Repeat the same for the rest of users.
=== Update root.ldif file for the "Manager" of LDAP Server ===
    [root@ldap ~]# vi /etc/openldap/root.ldif
    #1 dn: uid=root,ou=People,dc=adminmart,dc=com
    #2 uid: root
    #3 cn: Manager
    #4 objectClass: account
=== Create a domain ldif file (/etc/openldap/adminmart.com.ldif) ===
    [root@ldap ~]# cat /etc/openldap/adminmart.com.ldif
    dn: dc=adminmart,dc=com
    dc: adminmart
    description: LDAP Admin
    objectClass: dcObject
    objectClass: organizationalUnit
    ou: rootobject
    dn: ou=People, dc=adminmart,dc=com
    ou: People
    description: Users of adminmart
    objectClass: organizationalUnit
=== Import all users in to the LDAP ===
Add the Domain ldif file:
    [root@ldap ~]# ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=adminmart,dc=com" -W -f /etc/openldap/adminmart.com.ldif
    Enter LDAP Password:
    adding new entry "dc=adminmart,dc=com"
    adding new entry "ou=People, dc=adminmart,dc=com"
    [root@ldap ~]#
Add the Users:
    [root@ldap ~]# ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=adminmart,dc=com" -W -f /etc/openldap/root.ldif
    Enter LDAP Password:
    adding new entry "uid=root,ou=People,dc=adminmart,dc=com"
    adding new entry "uid=operator,ou=People,dc=adminmart,dc=com"
    [root@ldap ~]#
    [root@ldap ~]# ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=adminmart,dc=com" -W -f /etc/openldap/test1.ldif
    Enter LDAP Password:
    adding new entry "uid=test1,ou=People,dc=adminmart,dc=com"
    [root@ldap ~]#
    [root@ldap ~]# ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=adminmart,dc=com" -W -f /etc/openldap/test2.ldif
    Enter LDAP Password:
    adding new entry "uid=test2,ou=People,dc=adminmart,dc=com"
    [root@ldap ~]#
'''Note:''' Repeat the same for the rest of users.
=== Apply Changes ===
     [root@ldap ~]# service ldap restart
=== Test LDAP Server ===
<h4>Step #14. Test LDAP Server</h4>
It prints all the user information<br>
It prints all the user information<br>
     [root@ldap ~]# ldapsearch -x -b 'dc=adminmart,dc=com' '(objectclass=*)'
== LDAP Client Configuration ==
     [root@ldap ~]# ldapsearch -x -b 'dc=adminmart,dc=com' '(objectclass=*)'</code> <br>
     [root@ldapclient ~]# authconfig
<h3>LDAP Client Configuration</h3>
:: [*] Use LDAP [*] Use LDAP Authentication
(Both should be checked)
     [root@ldapclient ~]# authconfig </code><br>
<b> [*] Use LDAP [*] Use LDAP Authentication </b><br>
:: [ ] Use TLS
:: Server: ldap.adminmart.com
[Both should be checked]<br>
:: Base DN: dc=adminmart,dc=com
<b> [ ] Use TLS   <br>
Server: ldap.adminmart.com<br>
Base DN: dc=adminmart,dc=com<br>

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