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Download VMware images

692 bytes added, 15:24, 13 June 2007
Below are the links to OpenVZ VM images contributed by users. You can run such an image in VMware workstation or other emulator to test drive OpenVZ (without installation hassle). The other way is to use OpenVZ [[Download live CD|live CD]].

Feel free to add a link to your image.

== Fedora Core 6 + OpenVZ, by forum user safehosting ==

To download, you'll be prompted for a username/pass
username: openvz
password: openvz

the VM's root info: root:root123

the HN is running Fedora Core 6 with the latest updates (as of May 30th 2007). The Openvz VE running inside it is Debian 4.0 - LAMPP setup, and i've forwarded port 80 to the VE.

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