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402 bytes added, 15:23, 6 January 2008
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{{{I found myself often faced with a need to run the same command in all VEs, e.g. ''apachectl restart'' to restart all webservers or ''dmesg | tail'' to see the latest news from everybody. You can loop through all VEs and execute this this easily:<code> for veid in `vzlist -Hoveid`; do vzctl exec $veid COMMAND; done </code> Knowing this, you can also save some typing later by making a simple utility out of it.I like to call this ''/usr/sbin/vzexec'' so I can later just say ''vzexec apachectl restart''<code> #!/bin/bashCONFDIR="/etc/vz/conf" # vzexec -- execute a command on all VEs if [ "$1" == "" ]; then echo "$0 -- Execute a command on all VEs" echo "" echo "Example: vzexec service httpd restart" echo "" echo "Note that variables are expanded in the host's shell, and use '' to prevent this." echo "Example: vzexec echo \$PWD and vzexec 'echo \$PWD' are different." exit fi for veconf veid in $CONFDIR/*.conf ; do veid=`basename $veconf .confvzlist -Hoveid` if [ "$veid" == "0" ]; then continue; fido vename=`grep ^NAME $veconf | head -1 | sed -e 's@NAME=@@' | sed -e 's@"@@g'` echo "*** VE $veid ($vename)" vzctl exec $veid $@ done}}}</code>

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