==== {{DISPLAYTITLE:Monitoring /proc/user_beancounters with nagios ====}}To be added locally on the VZ HN to <code>/etc/nagios/nrpe_local.conf</code> and as a standalone script run with cron.
To be added locally on the VZ HN to /etc/nagios/nrpe_local.conf<br>Works as nagios-plugin with option '-fc' or reports an increase of a failcnt-value by mail if run e.g. as a cronjob with option '-ti'. We use it with both cases to be sure that we see a peak in case it happened between the nagios-checks:.
<source lang=python>#!/usrThe most current version of this script is available at http:/bin/python# Copyright (C) 2008 Christian Benke# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2# v0github.1 2008-04-03# Christian Benke <benkokakao gmail com>/peletiah/openvz/tree/master
import string
import pickle
import sys
import getopt
import re
import smtplib
import socket
#-------- find the hostname for each veid ---: def find_veid(veid): veid_conf=open('/etc/vz/conf/' + str(veid) + '.conf','r') for line in veid_conf: if "HOSTNAME" in line: quotes=re.compile("\"") lineAlternative Script=quotes.sub("",line) linefeed=re.compile("\n") line=linefeed.sub("",line) fqdn=re.split('=',line) hostname=re.split('\.',fqdn[1])[0] return hostname # ---------- send mail in case of a counter-changedef send_mail(count_change): mailfrom = 'root@' + str(host) mailto = 'to@example.com' mailsubject = 'Beancounters changed in the last 5 minutes' mailbody = 'The Beancounter-failcnt value of the following veid(s) and resource(s) has \nincreased in the last 5 minutes:\n\n' server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') server.sendmail(mailfrom, [mailto], '''\From:''' + mailfrom + '''\\nTo:''' + mailto + '''\\nSubject:''' + mailsubject + '''\ \n''' + mailbody + count_change) server.quit() #------------read raw and compare data from user_beancounters def compare_data(beancounter_data,data_read,count): barrier_break=str() count_change=str() for line in beancounter_data: if 'Version' in line or 'uid' in line or 'dummy' in line: continue else: fields=line.split( ) if len(fields) == 7: i=0 veid=int(fields[0][:-1]) fields.pop(0) #remove the first element current_data[veid]=dict() current_data[veid][fields[0]]=fields else: i=i+1 current_data[veid][fields[0]]=fields if data_read and count == True and data_read is not '0': #comparing counters of new data with previous run if data_read[veid][fields[0]][5] < current_data[veid][fields[0]][5]: if int(veid) != 0: hostname=find_veid(veid) else: hostname='OpenVZ Hardware Node' count_change=str(count_change) + str(hostname) + ': ' + str(fields[0]) + ' failcnt has changed from ' + data_read[veid][fields[0]][5] + ' to ' + str(current_data[veid][fields[0]][5]) + '\n' if count == False: #comparing current level with barrier/limit if current_data[veid][fields[0]][0] == 'oomguarpages': #for oomguarpages and physpages only the limit-value is relevant if int(current_data[veid][fields[0]][1]) > int(current_data[veid][fields[0]][4])*0.9: barrier_break = str(barrier_break) + str(veid) + ': ' + str(current_data[veid][fields[0]][0]) + ' ' elif current_data[veid][fields[0]][0] == 'physpages': if int(current_data[veid][fields[0]][1]) > int(current_data[veid][fields[0]][4])*0.9: barrier_break = str(barrier_break) + str(veid) + ': ' + str(current_data[veid][fields[0]][0]) + ' ' else: if int(current_data[veid][fields[0]][1]) > int(current_data[veid][fields[0]][3])*0.9: barrier_break = str(barrier_break) + str(veid) + ': ' + str(current_data[veid][fields[0]][0]) + ' ' if barrier_break and count == False: print barrier_break sys.exit(2) elif count == False: print 'All Beancounters OK' sys.exit(0) if count_change and count == True: send_mail(count_change) return current_data elif count == True: return current_data # ----- pickle data - read or write def pickle_data(current_data,action,count,picklefilepath): try: picklefile = None if action == 'write': if current_data: picklefile=open(picklefilepath,'w') pickle.dump(current_data, picklefile) picklefile.close() return else: print 'current_data is empty: ' + str(current_data) elif action == 'read': picklefile=open(picklefilepath,'r') data_read=pickle.load(picklefile) picklefile.close() if data_read: return data_read else: print 'DATA_READ IS NONE:' + str(data_read) return data_read except IOError: current_data = compare_data(beancounter_data,'0',count) picklefile=open(picklefilepath,'w') pickle.dump(current_data,picklefile) picklefile.close() # ------- print script usage def usage(prog="check_beancounters.py"): print """check_beancounters.py : Check if resource-values break barriers or limits and failcounters increase check_beancounters.py [-tfh] -h print this message -t Check if failcnt-values have increased since the last run -f Check if current value of a resource is higher than barrier/limit """ opts=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'thf')if opts: if opts[0]==[]: usage(); sys.exit(0) elif opts[0][0][0]=='-h': usage(); sys.exit(0) elif opts[0][0][0]=='-t': count=True elif opts[0][0][0]=='-f': count=False data_read=pickle_data(current_data,'read',count,picklefilepath)current_data = compare_data(beancounter_data,data_read,count)pickle_data(current_data,'write',count,picklefilepath)</source>
Here is an alternative script, also written in python:
[http://www.kbrandt.com/2008/10/openvz-beancounters-nagios-script.html OpenVZ Nagios Bean Counters Script]