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Monitoring openvz resources using nagios and snmp

175 bytes removed, 07:47, 7 April 2009
check_vzquota Without SNMP
The script calls <code>/usr/sbin/vzlist</code> by sudo. When doing this it normally needs a password, which check_nrpe will not know. Because of this it is necessary that you append a line like the following to <code>/etc/sudors</code> (user name an path should be adapted to the right ones on your system):
nagios ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/localsbin/nagios/libexec/check_vzquota Also don't forget to consider this on your <code>nrpe.cfg</code>vzlist, so that you call the script with sudo: command[check_ubc]=sudo /usr/local/nagios/libexecsbin/check_vzquotavzquota
=== check_ubc Without SNMP ===