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Kernel build

765 bytes added, 11:27, 19 February 2007
added info on modifying kernel configs when using source-RPM
in appropriate places where similar text lines are.
=== Modifying configs ===
If you want to modify kernel configs, you need to do the changes via the kernel spec file. Insert your modifications after the following part of the spec file:
# now run oldconfig over all the config files
for i in *.config*
mv $i .config
You can add kernel settings for example in the following way:
echo "YOUR_KERNEL_OPTION=m" >> .config
If you try to modify the config files directly (not through the spec file), running rpmbuild will fail with the following error:
make[1]: *** [nonint_oldconfig] Error 1
make: *** [nonint_oldconfig] Error 2
Some information on this can be found in the following thread:
=== Building RPMs ===