- NFS issues
- Loopback device (/dev/lo*) support
- vzquota over other than ext2/ext3 filesystems
- Incorporate Zaptel/Asterisk modules?
- template metadata creation HOWTO
- template metadata rpms build system, like we have for tools
- tool for auto creation rpm/deb packages from precreated templates tarballs for easy installation with yum/apt help
- page for precreated templates submission to contribs
- page with list of all available templates, like
- templates metadata should include some high-level package manager (yum for FC5, what else?)
- add 'extras' repo to FC5 template metadata
VE package management
- x86_64, ia64, ppc64 external package management (vzrpm, vzpkgenv?)
- support for application templates
- apt-based external package management
- adoption for common build system
- add IPv6 configuration support
- Debian-specific initscript
- complete redesign
- List of opened vzctl bugs in Bugzilla
Testing suite
- should include base vzctl operation, published, easy to install and run on the node.