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Virtual network device

Revision as of 13:24, 11 March 2008 by Botinki Kira (talk | contribs) (Robot: Automated text replacement (-VE +container))

Vitual network device (venet) is the default network device for a container. This network device looks like a peer-to-peer connection between container and the host system. It does packet switching based on IP header. This is a default network device for container (an alternative is veth device).

Venet device is created automatically on container start. Vzctl scripts set up an appropriate IP address and other settings on venet inside a container.



Kernel module

First of all, check that vznetdev module is loaded:

# lsmod | grep vznetdev

If it is not, load the module:

# modprobe vznetdev

You might want to check /etc/init.d/vz script to make sure the module gets loaded during startup.

Adding IP address to a container

vzctl set <CTID> --ipadd <IP1>[,<IP2>,...] [--save]
  Note: This option is incremental, so IP addresses are added to already existing ones.


vzctl set 101 --ipadd --save

After executing this command IP address will be added to container 101 and IP configuration will be saved to a container configuration file.

Removing IP address from a container

vzctl set <CTID> --ipdel <IP1>[,<IP2>,...] [--save]
vzctl set <CTID> --ipdel all [--save]


vzctl set 101 --ipdel

After executing this command IP address will be removed from container 101, but IP configuration will not be changed in container config file. And after container reboot IP address will be assigned to this container again.

See also