UBC default units
- entries which name has word 'page' are measured in memory pages (4kb on x86 and x86-64, 16kb for IA64). These are privvmpages, oomguarpages and others.
- entries with names like 'num*' are measured in items. i.e. numproc - number of processes, numiptent - number of iptables entries.
- other entries like kmemsize, tcprcvbuf/tcpsndbuf are measured in bytes
Overriding default units
You can set parameter units implicitly when appropriate, for example:
- Set kmemsize limit to 512 Kb
# vzctl set --kmemsize 512k
- Set privvmpages limit to 256 Mb
# vzctl set --privvmpages 256m
- Set tcprcvbuf limit to 1000 pages (totals to almost 4 Mb on x86)
# vzctl set --tcprcvbuf 1000p