Edit apt settings
add to your "/etc/apt/sources.list"
deb stable openvz
and get the new package lists
# apt-get update
Packages at (dso)
precreated OpenVZ Debian Packages:
kernel(s) for i368 and amd64
ovzkernel-2.6.9 ovzkernel-2.6.9-smp ovzkernel-2.6.16 ovzkernel-2.6.16-smp ovzkernel-2.6.18 ovzkernel-2.6.18-smp
i386 only:
OpenVZ tool(s) for i386 and amd64
vzctl vzquota vzprocps
template(s) for i368 and amd64 : Debian 3.1 Minimal
Installing the kernels and OpenVZ toolset
Example: install the stable OpenVZ kernel, tools and debian OS Template
# aptitude install ovzkernel-2.6.9 vzctl vzquota vzctl-ostmpl-debian
Maybe you need to update you "linux-loader" like lilo or grub:
for the "GRUB":
# /sbin/grub-update
Reboot in your new Debian Stable OpenVZ System
# reboot
That's all :-)
Etch (testing)
OpenVZ is now a part of Debian Etch (a.k.a. "testing") repository. This article describes how to install OpenVZ on a Debian Etch system.
Installing the utilities and kernel patch
To install the kernel-source, OpenVZ kernel patch and utilities, run the following:
apt-get update apt-get install linux-source-2.6.18 kernel-patch-openvz vzctl vzquota
Creating the kernel package
First you need to unpack the kernel:
cd /usr/src tar xjf linux-source-2.6.18.tar.bz2 cd linux-source-2.6.18
Next, you need to get a kernel config. You can use the config of the debian-kernel:
cp /boot/config-2.6.18-3-686 .config
Now you can apply openvz kernel patch and compile the kernel:
make-kpkg --append_to_version=-1-openvz --added_patches=openvz --revision=1 kernel_image
You will have to answer some config-questions.
Install the kernel package
Install the kernel and update initramfs:
cd .. dpkg -i linux-image-2.6.18-1-openvz_1_i386.deb update-initramfs -c -k 2.6.18-1-openvz update-grub
Just reboot into your new openvz-kernel.