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Installing Trixbox 2.0 in CentOS VE

Revision as of 17:55, 23 January 2007 by Lsackette (talk | contribs) (Details Steps: second try at fixing layout)



Here what I did to installed Trixbox 2.0 in a CentOS VE. I found quite a bit of information scattered over the web and even one in the OpenVZ Forum. Note, my installation don't use any hardware such as Zaptel. I still see a warning about can't load zaptel, but I have still been able to use my VEs. Yes, I have installed several of these.

Basic Steps

Here are the basic steps with details later:

  1. Create VE from CentOS Template.
  2. Add character device /dev/tty9 to VE
  3. Install rpmforge & apt
  4. Add DAG repository
  5. Install yum
  6. Install speex and libspeex-devel
  7. Download Trixbox 2.0 tar.gz file (not ISO) and extract to /var/trixbox_load
  8. Change to /var/trixbox_load and run script
  NOTE: You may need to run the script several times.  Just seems like YUM don't 
        install all the packages at the same time.  I am no sure what sup here.

Details Steps

  1. Create VE from CentOS Template.
    • eg. vzctl create 204 --ostemplate centos-4-i386-default --config vps-basic
  2. Add character device /dev/tty9 to VE
    • eg. vzctl set 204 --devices c:4:9:rw --save
    • NOTE: If you are using zaptel or capi, then you will need to add those devices to the VE
  3. Install rpmforge & apt
    • You may check for the most recent release of rpmforge and apt. If you encounter error running rpm, you may need a newer rpm (rpm-4.3.3-18_nonptl.i386.rpm) which u can find in Google.
    1. Intall RPMFORGE
    1. Install APT
  4. Add DAG repository for yum
  5. Install yum
    1. Try installing yum via apt-get
      • apt-get update
      • apt-get install yum
    2. If that failed, then try doing the easy way. :)
  6. Install speex and libspeex-devel
    • rpm -Uvh ${SITE}/speex-1.0.4-4.i386.rpm ${SITE}/speex-devel-1.0.4-4.i386.rpm
  7. Download Trixbox 2.0 tar.gz file (not ISO) and extract to /var/trixbox_load
  8. Change to /var/trixbox_load
    • mkdir /var/trixbox_load
    • tar zxf trixbox-2.0.tar.gz -C /var/trixbox_load/
  9. Run script
    1. I find that I need to run this script several time, 2 or 3, and that it is best to reboot before running the first time.
      • cd /var/trixbox_load/
      • ./

Resources - Links where I got my info.