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< Download‎ | kernel‎ | rhel6-testing

Warning.svg Warning: this is an old version of RHEL6 testing kernel. For the latest version, see Download/kernel/rhel6-testing/042stab120.7.
Kernel branch RHEL6 testing
Based on RHEL6 2.6.32
Status testing
Latest 042stab120.7
Archives RHEL6 testing


Since 042stab052.3:

  • Added ploop modules
  • Checkpointing of CT with bridges inside
  • Fixed a kernel crash during CT stop in case it uses ip conntracks (#2175)
  • Fixes in pfcache, vswap, ext4, tun in CT, CPT
  • Disable transparent huge pages by default


  • No new issues


x86 (i686, IA32)

File Date Size
vzkernel-2.6.32-042stab052.8.i686.rpm 2012-03-15 08:52:45 24 Mb
vzkernel-devel-2.6.32-042stab052.8.i686.rpm 2012-03-15 08:52:49 7 Mb
vzkernel-headers-2.6.32-042stab052.8.i686.rpm 2012-03-15 08:52:51 2 Mb
vzkernel-firmware-2.6.32-042stab052.8.noarch.rpm 2012-03-15 08:52:51 7 Mb

x86_64 (AMD64, EM64T)

File Date Size
vzkernel-2.6.32-042stab052.8.x86_64.rpm 2012-03-15 08:52:49 26 Mb
vzkernel-devel-2.6.32-042stab052.8.x86_64.rpm 2012-03-15 08:52:50 7 Mb
vzkernel-headers-2.6.32-042stab052.8.x86_64.rpm 2012-03-15 08:52:51 2 Mb
vzkernel-firmware-2.6.32-042stab052.8.noarch.rpm 2012-03-15 08:52:51 7 Mb

Source RPM

File Date Size
vzkernel-2.6.32-042stab052.8.src.rpm 2012-03-15 08:52:48 75 Mb
kernel.spec 2012-03-15 08:49:30 1 Mb

Kernel patch

This patch is applicable to vanilla Linux 2.6.32 kernel (not to 2.6.32.y), available from

File Date Size
patch-042stab052.8-combined.gz (signature) 2012-03-15 08:52:06 23 Mb


Official configs of this OpenVZ kernel used to build binary RPMS.

File Date Size
config-2.6.32-042stab052.8.i686 2012-03-15 08:52:27 104 Kb
config-2.6.32-042stab052.8.x86_64 2012-03-15 08:52:35 99 Kb


For other rhel6-testing kernel releases, see download/kernel/rhel6-testing/Archives.

For other kernel branches, see download/kernel.

Kernel branches
Testing / Beta
RHEL6 testing
RHEL5 • RHEL4 • 2.6.32 • 2.6.27 • 2.6.26 • 2.6.24 • 2.6.22 • 2.6.20 • 2.6.18 • 2.6.16 • FC5 • SLES10 • 2.6.8
Versions of rhel6-testing kernel