→Proprietary / non-free
* Panenthe: [http://www.panenthe.com/ homepage (English)] • [http://www.panenthe.com/products/panenthe-media/cat_id=4/ Screen shots]
* vePortal: [http://www.veportal.com/ homepage (English)] - Widely used OpenVZ Management Panel.
* SolusVM [http://www.solusvm.com homepage], Appears to be reasonably priced. Also supports KVM, Xen PV & HVM. Soluslabs Ltd (the company behind SolusVM) announced SolusVM hosts over 153,000 OpenVZ containers across it's clientbase (stats October 2011). Highly maintained, Free 15 day trial, & 24/7 supportincluded in license fee.
* Sysvm :[http://sysvm.com Home Page], The Enterprise hybrid vps control panel with ipv6 and load balancing,formally known as vcPanel . It is the first centralized VPS control panel for managing VPS around the globe [http://sysvm.com/Demo Demo] 15 day free trial
* VDSmanager for Linux :[http://ispsystem.com/en/software/vdsmanager/ homepage (English)]