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Installation on Debian/old

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OpenVZ per-container disk quota is supported only for ext2/ext3 filesystems; therefore it makes sense to use one of these filesystems (ext3 is recommended) if you need per-container disk quota.
'''Source(s):''' [ Installation on Debian]
'''If you are using Debian Lenny, this step in no longer required. Openvz kernel packages and tools are available on main repository.'''
'''Source(s):''' [ Installation on Debian]
# wget -q -O- | apt-key add - && apt-get update
'''Source(s):''' [ Installation on Debian]
==== 2. Using Debian repositories (upgrade to lenny) ====
Then '''apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade''' to upgrade to lenny.
'''Source(s):''' [ Installation on Debian]
{{Note|The best kernel to use is [[Download/kernel/rhel6|RHEL6-based]]. Please see [[Install_kernel_from_RPM_on_Debian_6.0]]}}
'''Source(s):''' [ Installation on Debian]
=== Etch ===
# apt-get install <kernel>
'''Source(s):''' [ Installation on Debian]
===== Configuring the bootloader =====
{{Note|per default on debian/ubuntu, a 2.6.22 kernel will boot before a 2.6.18, please check manually the grub boot order. See man update-grub for more details}}
'''Source(s):''' [ Installation on Debian]
===== Installing the user-level tools =====
# [sudo] apt-get install vzctl vzquota
'''Source(s):''' [ Installation on Debian]
==== 2 Using Debian lenny repositories ====
and will arrange grub bootloader properly.
'''Source(s):''' [ Installation on Debian]
=== Rebooting into OpenVZ kernel ===
Now reboot the machine and choose the OpenVZ Linux Kernel on the boot loader menu. If the OpenVZ kernel has been booted successfully, proceed to installing the user-level tools for OpenVZ.
'''Source(s):''' [ Installation on Debian]
=== Confirm proper installation ===
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
'''Source(s):''' [ Installation on Debian]
== Configuring ==
# [sudo] ln -s /var/lib/vz /vz
'''Source(s):''' [ Installation on Debian]
=== OS templates ===
On Debian squeeze, vzdump seems packaged in standard aptline. For lenny, See [[Backup_of_a_running_container_with_vzdump]]
'''Source(s):''' [ Installation on Debian]
== Secure it ==
Anonymous user