References, vzctl integration
= Comparison tables =
=== Solidity in front of failures and security ===
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! Feature
|'''I/O isolation'''
|{{No|Bad}}: Some bug could be exploited to escape CT and access HN file system}}: <ref>[https://bugs.openvz.org/browse/OVZ-6296 CVE-2015-2925], </ref> <ref>[http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2014/06/24/16 CVE-2014-3519]</ref>
|{{Yes|Since 1998}}
|{{No|Since 2014}}
=== Performance and design features ===
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! Feature
|'''Maximum container volume space'''
|4 TiB <ref>[[Ploop/Limits]]</ref>
|1 EiB<ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext4 Ext4]</ref>|1 EiB?
|256 ZiB
|'''Incremental backup support on filesystem level'''
|{{Yes}}, through snapshots
=== Administrator operations ===
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! Feature
! LVM (ext4)
! ZFS (~simfs)
|'''vzctl integration'''
|{{No|No}}, many manual operations
|{{Yes|No}}, some manual operations
|'''External compaction for container volumes'''
|'''Live backup'''
|{{Yes|Easy, fast and consistent}}<ref name="ploop backup">[http://openvz.livejournal.com/44508.html ploop snapshots and backups]</ref><ref>[[Ploop/Backup]]</ref>
|{{No|Easy, slow, and sometimes inconsistent}} in case some application depends on inode IDs
|'''Snapshot support'''
|{{Yes}}<ref name="ploop backup">[http://openvz.livejournal.com/44508.html ploop snapshots and backups]</ref>
|{{No}} theoretically, because of much/small files to be copied