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Traffic shaping with tc

5,508 bytes added, 00:12, 12 December 2013
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Sometimes it's necessary to limit traffic bandwidth from and to a [[VEcontainer]].
You can do it using ordinary <code>tc</code> tool.
== Packet routes ==
First of all, a few words about how packets travel from and to a [[VEcontainer]].Suppose we have [[Hardware Node]] (HN) with a VE container (CT) on it, and this VE container talksto some Remote Host (RH). HN has one "real" network interface <tt>eth0</tt> and,
thanks to OpenVZ, there is also "virtual" network interface <tt>venet0</tt>.
Inside the VE container we have interface <tt>venet0:0</tt>.
venet0:0 venet0 eth0
VE CT >------------->-------------> HN >--------->--------> RH
venet0:0 venet0 eth0
VE CT <-------------<-------------< HN <---------<--------< RH
== Limiting outgoing bandwidth ==
We can limit VE container outgoing bandwidth by setting the <tt>tc</tt> filter on <tt>eth0</tt>.
tc qdisc add dev $DEV parent 1:1 sfq perturb 10
X.X.X.X is an IP address of VEcontainer.
== Limiting incoming bandwidth ==
tc qdisc add dev $DEV parent 1:1 sfq perturb 10
Note that <code>X.X.X.X</code> is an IP address of VEcontainer.
== Limiting VE CT to HN talks ==As you can see, two filters above don't limit [[VEcontainer]] to [[HN]] talks.I mean a [[VEcontainer]] can emit as much traffic as it wishes. To make such a limitation from the [[HN]],
it is necessary to use <tt>tc</tt> police on <tt>venet0</tt>:
== Limiting packets per second rate from VE container ==To prevent dos atacks from the VE container you can limit packets per second rate using iptables.<presource lang="bash">
iptables -I FORWARD 1 -o $DEV -s X.X.X.X -m limit --limit 200/sec -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD 2 -o $DEV -s X.X.X.X -j DROP
</presource>Here <code>X.X.X.X</code> is an IP address of VEcontainer.
== An alternate approch approach using HTB ==
For details refer to the [ HTB Home Page]
<presource lang="bash">
# Incominfg Incoming traffic control
tc qdisc add dev $DEV parent 1:30 handle 30: sfq perturb 10
if [ ! -z $VE_IP1 CT_IP1 ]; then tc filter add dev $DEV protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 match ip dst "$VE_IP1CT_IP1" flowid 1:20
if [ ! -z $VE_IP2 CT_IP2 ]; then tc filter add dev $DEV protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 match ip dst "$VE_IP2CT_IP2" flowid 1:30
tc qdisc add dev $DEV parent 1:30 handle 30: sfq perturb 10
if [ ! -z $VE_IP1 CT_IP1 ]; then tc filter add dev $DEV protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 match ip src "$VE_IP1CT_IP1" flowid 1:20
if [ ! -z $VE_IP2 CT_IP2 ]; then tc filter add dev $DEV protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 match ip src "$VE_IP2CT_IP2" flowid 1:30
tc class show dev $DEV
tc filter show dev $DEV
</presource>   == Autogen rules for CT == <source lang="python">#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-######################################## by VoidLess, fnmatchimport os ######################################## НАСТРОЙКИ СКРИПТАconfdir = "/etc/vz/conf/"rulefile = "/etc/vz/shaper/" # шейпятся только эти тарифыtable_band = { #ORIGIN_SAMPLE : канал "SSD8": "100mbit", "SSD7": "100mbit", "SSD6": "100mbit", "SSD5": "100mbit", "SSD4": "100mbit", "SSD3": "100mbit", "SSD2": "100mbit", "SSD1": "100mbit"} ######################################## ШАБЛОН СКРИПТА НАСТРОЙКИ ШЕЙПЕРА fileheader = """#!/bin/bash# shaper configuration file ##### ЧИСТКА ОТ СТАРЫХ ПРАВИЛ #####tc qdisc del dev eth0 roottc -s qdisc ls dev eth0 tc qdisc del dev venet0 roottc -s qdisc ls dev venet0##### ЧИСТКА ОТ СТАРЫХ ПРАВИЛ #####""" # eth0 eth0header = """DEV=eth0tc qdisc del dev $DEV root 2>/dev/nulltc qdisc add dev $DEV root handle 1: htb default 1 r2q 3000tc class add dev $DEV parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 1000mbit burst 10mb""" eth0template = """# vzid {VPSID} tarif {BANDWIDTH} ip {IP} tc class add dev $DEV parent 1:1 classid 1:{CLASS} htb rate {BANDWIDTH} ceil {BANDWIDTH} burst 1mbtc qdisc add dev $DEV parent 1:{CLASS} handle {CLASS}: sfq perturb 5 #quantum 5000b""" eth0match = """tc filter add dev $DEV protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 match ip src {IP} flowid 1:{CLASS}""" # venet0 venet0header = """DEV=venet0tc qdisc del dev $DEV root 2>/dev/nulltc qdisc add dev $DEV root handle 1: htb default 1 r2q 3000tc class add dev $DEV parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 1000mbit burst 10mb""" venet0template = """# vzid {VPSID} tarif {BANDWIDTH} ip {IP} tc class add dev $DEV parent 1:1 classid 1:{CLASS} htb rate {BANDWIDTH} ceil {BANDWIDTH} burst 1mbtc qdisc add dev $DEV parent 1:{CLASS} handle {CLASS}: sfq perturb 5 #quantum 5000b""" venet0match = """tc filter add dev $DEV protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 match ip dst {IP} flowid 1:{CLASS}""" ######################################## КОД СКРИПТА# получает список и настройки виртуалок из папки конфигов OpenVZdef getvz(): vzlist = []  for file in os.listdir(confdir): if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*.conf') and file != "0.conf": #берем список конфигов vzid = file.split(".",1)[0] vztarif = None vzip = None  #открываем файл, узнаем название тарифа with open(confdir + file) as f: for line in f: if line[0]=="#": continue  ar = line.split("=")  if ar[0] == "ORIGIN_SAMPLE": vztarif = ar[1].replace('"', '').strip() continue  if ar[0] == "IP_ADDRESS": vzip = ar[1].replace('"', '').strip().split(" ") continue  #если в файле не написан тариф, или он левый, ничего не делаем if vztarif == None or vzip == None or vztarif not in table_band: continue # в список записываем инфу про все vps vzlist.append((vzid, table_band[vztarif], vzip)) return vzlist # записывает команды настройки шейпера в sh файлdef genconf(vzlist): with open(rulefile,"w+") as f:  # file header f.write(fileheader)  # eth0 rules f.write(eth0header)  shaper_id = 100 for vz in vzlist: f.write(eth0template .replace("{VPSID}",vz[0]) .replace("{CLASS}",str(shaper_id)) .replace("{BANDWIDTH}",vz[1]) .replace("{IP}",str(vz[2]))) for ip in vz[2]: f.write(eth0match .replace("{VPSID}",vz[0]) .replace("{CLASS}",str(shaper_id)) .replace("{IP}",ip)) shaper_id += 1  # venet0 rules f.write(venet0header)  shaper_id = 100 for vz in vzlist: f.write(venet0template .replace("{VPSID}",vz[0]) .replace("{CLASS}",str(shaper_id)) .replace("{BANDWIDTH}",vz[1]) .replace("{IP}",str(vz[2]))) for ip in vz[2]: f.write(venet0match .replace("{VPSID}",vz[0]) .replace("{CLASS}",str(shaper_id)) .replace("{IP}",ip)) shaper_id += 1  # make in runnable os.chmod(rulefile, 0755) ## основной код скрипта. выполнение функций# получили список VPSокvzlist = getvz() # сгенерировали скрипт с правиламиgenconf(vzlist) # применили правилаos.system(rulefile)</source>  
== External links ==
* [ Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control HOWTO]