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Installation on ubuntu gutsy server

103 bytes added, 15:47, 1 February 2009
Ubuntu category
I was able to get a working kernel 2.6.22 compiled for ubuntu gutsty i386 server patched with openvz and I would like to share it with the community.
The deb package is available [ materiale/linux-image-2.6.22-ovz005-funkgui_i386_v01.deb here].
I will test it and I would be glad if someone else will test it too…
* install with: dpkg -i linux-image-2.6.22-ovz005-funkgui_i386_v01.deb
* reboot
* instal packages for openvz (comandowith: apt-get install vzctl vzquota) * reboot and… TEST TEST TEST TEST TESTenjoy
here you can find the [ /ubuntu-gutsy-openvz-kernel italian version] of the article
mARCO- funkgui [[Category:HOWTO]][[Category:Ubuntu]]