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Hosting providers

181 bytes added, 08:24, 28 August 2010
* [ Alticon] has provided OpenVZ based VPS/VE hosting for over 2½ years. Many clients use OpenVZ based VEs as a cost effective solution for hosting highly secured, customized versions of ZenCart & WordPress. Other clients use OpenVZ for DNS mirroring, messages board hosting, and general use.
* [] High Performance OpenVZ Virtual Private Servers (VPS) Tier 1 US Datacenter.
* [ BitEntity] Hosted on 2x Dual Core XEON nodes, we offer a custom built Control Panel, unmetered bandwidth, high disk space, all located in Scranton USA.
* [ BitTraffic] High Quality Hosting Solutions! Affordable, stable, reliable OpenVZ VPS Solutions!
* [] mix ‘n’ match your VPS; choose only the bandwidth, RAM, disk capacity, type of IP connection, level server redundancy, and the support/monitoring you want. [ BuildYourVPS] is the 1st to offer you a highly-customized VPS solution, without making you pay for unused extra features.
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