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User talk:Fayette

Ubuntu LucidEdit

(from comment in Ubuntu Lucid page) Why zlib1g-dev package is needed? There is some strange if you have obtained a kernel, when with the guide you should be compiling at least for Have you seen the updated guide? --Narcis Garcia 10:06, 4 November 2010 (UTC)
I can't say why it was needed other than the compile failed with a missing zlib.h, if I recall correctly. I followed the instructions on the web site. I can't say for sure how I arrived at but I recall having some difficulty locating the kernel source. I will go back and see if I can find a newer kernel and try again. Thanks, Jim.
We can follow better these issues in a forum thread, such as in Ubuntu's --Narcis Garcia 13:34, 4 November 2010 (UTC)
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