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Mailing lists

176 bytes removed, 08:41, 26 December 2015
Marked this version for translation
<translate><!--T:1-->The follwing following mailing lists are maintained and used by the project.
== Announce ==<!--T:2-->
A low traffic read-only mailing list. Subscribe to it to be notified about new releases, critical bugfixes, and other important stuff.
'''Actions'''<!--T: [ List info] | [ List archives] | [ Subscribe] >{{ML actions| [ Unsubscribe]}}
== Users CRIU ==<!--T:5-->
A list for CRIU (Checkpoint and Restore In Userspace) developers. Discuss CRIU development and related stuff.
{{ML actions|criu}}
== Users == <!--T:8-->
A place to discuss your OpenVZ experience with other users. Share your ideas, tips and tricks, ask your questions here.
'''Actions'''<!--T: [ List info] 10-->{{Note| [http://openvzYou need to be subscribed in order to be able to post to the List archives] | [http}} <!--T:// Alt. list archives] | [ Subscribe] >{{ML actions| [ Unsubscribe]}}
== Devel ==A list for OpenVZ developers. Discuss OpenVZ development and related stuff, see [[GIT]] commits etc.<!--T:12-->
'''Actions'''<!--T: [ List info] | [ List archives] | [ Alt. 13-->A list archives] | [mailto:devel-join@openvzfor OpenVZ Subscribe] | [mailto:devel-leave@openvzDiscuss OpenVZ development and related Unsubscribe]
<!--T:14-->{{Note|You need to be subscribed in order to be able to post to the list.}} <!--T:15-->{{ML actions|devel}} == Debian ==<!--T:16--> <!--T:17-->
A mailing list devoted to Debian issues, for both developers and users. It's not for support though, please use users@ instead!.
'''Actions'''<!--T: [http18-->{{Note|You need to be subscribed in order to be able to post to the list.}} <!--T://>{{ML actions|debian List info] | [http}} == LibCT == <!--T:// List archives] | [mailto20--> <!--T:debian21--join@openvz>A list for LibCT Subscribe] | [mailtoDiscuss LibCT development and related stuff. <! Unsubscribe]>{{ML actions|libct}}</translate>
[[Category: Infrastructure]]
[[Category: Communication]]

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