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Fedora Core 5 Tips


Fedora Core 5 Tips

This is a collection of guidelines/tips for installing openvz on Fedora Core 5, with some gotchas covered.

Use development branch

You should be using the OpenVZ development branch of kernels with FC5. The kernels have test in their name. Go to your yum repo configuration and make sure that the development repo is enabled, or do the following:

 echo '
 name=OpenVZ development kernel
 ' > /etc/yum.repos.d/openvz-devel.repo

Note: Do not install the FC5 openvz kernel on the website, it is outdated if you have an up to date FC5 install.

Creating your own templates

If you are trying to tar up a vps to use as a template, make sure you tar up the INSIDE of the vps, and do not include the vpsid at the beginning (ie /101/).

  tar --numeric-owner -zcf /vz/template/cache/fedora-core-5-i386-minimal-mine.tar.gz -C /vz/private/101/ .

If you create a ve from one of your own templates, you should edit veid.conf in /etc/vz/conf to set the OSTEMPLATE variable back to fedora-core-5. This will insure that vzyum etc continue to work. Otherwise openvz may not find the metadata for your machine.

Yum differences

OpenVZ creates an entirely new yum.conf as part of the meta-data for a distribution. For FC5 this is in '/vz/template/fedora-core/5/i386/config/yum.conf'. If you have a local repository mirror of FC5 this means openvz will seem very slow unless you update this new openvz yum.conf to match your normal system yum.conf.

Additionally vzyum doesn't seem to pick up $releasever in yum files. I haven't figured that one out yet, and havn't rechecked.