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File:Kernel patches stats.png

70 bytes added, 22:59, 28 March 2008
Draw the graph: new version of script
if test "$1" != "-f"; then
git pull sh count > time.dat
DATE=$(date '+%d %b %Y')
MAXY=$(awk 'BEGIN {max=0}; ($3 > max) {max=$3}; END {print max+50}' < time.dat)
# GNU date is powerful!
MAXX=$(date +%b-1-%Y --date='+2 months')
export GDFONTPATH=/usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts/
cat << EOF | gnuplot > plot.png
set terminal png transparent nocrop enhanced font "verdanab 8 ,20" size 6001600,4001200
set title "OpenVZ team kernel patches progress as of ${DATE}"
set timefmt "%b-%d-%Y"
set format x "%b\n%Y"
set grid xtics mxtics noytics
set xrange [ : "${MAXX}" ]
set yrange [ 0 : ${MAXY} ]
set ylabel "Number of patches accepted , per kernel release,\naccepted into mainstream"
set border 3 # no lines at right and topset xtics nomirror # no tics at topset ytics nomirror # no tics at right
plot 'time.dat' using 1:3 with linespoints pt 7 6 ps 1.5 lw 2 lt 2 notitle, \ '' using 1:3:2 with labels left offset 0,1 rotate notitle, \ '' using 1:3:3 with labels left offset 0.7,0 notitle