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File:Kernel patches stats.png

1,501 bytes added, 05:47, 28 March 2022
Vvs uploaded a new version of File:Kernel patches stats.png
[[Category: Development]]
== Description ==
This graph shows how many patches from OpenVZ developers are were merged in into mainstreamLinux kernel, for per each kernel version.
It is done in drawn by gnuplot. Data using the data set produced by a simple shell script working on obtained from kernel git repository.
== Source code ==
=== Collect data ===
Here is the script to produce the data for the graph, called <code>count</code>:
<small><source lang="bash">
latest# Whose patches to count#PAT=$(git tag '|| grep -v -- -rc| tail -n1|| sed -e kuznet@'s/^#PAT='||@sw.*\ru||@sw.\(com.*\)$/\1/sg|adobriyan@|kuznet@|gorcunov@')((latest++))PAT='||||||kuznet@|gorcunov@'
# Return the date of the given tag, in a format usable by gnuplot
get_tag_date() {
echo $(git show $1 | egrep ^Date: | head -n1) | sed 's/^Date: ... \(.*\) [-+]....$/\1/' | sed 's/ ..:..:..//' | sed 's/ /-/g'} # Count the number of patches whose authors match $PAT,# for the period between two given git tagscount_patches() { git log --pretty=short --no-merges $1..$2 | egrep '^Author: ' | egrep $PAT | wc -l
for f in $count_total_patches(seq 13 $latest); do{ v1 git log --pretty=v2short --no-merges $1..6$2 | grep -c '^commit '} # Latest 3.x kernel#latest3=$(git tag | grep -v -- -rc | tail -n1 | sed -e 's/^.*\.\(f-.*\)$/\1)/') d1latest3=$(get_tag_date git tag | grep -v -- -rc | grep -F 'v3.' | \ awk -F . '{print $v12}' | sort -n | tail -n1) # Latest 2.6.x kernellatest26=39 # Find out if [ number of patches for HEAD is much more# than for latest -rc. If yes, use HEAD, otherwise -rc.:last_rc=$f (git describe --abbrev= 0)HEAD=$last_rcif ! test -z "$latest ]last_rc"; then v2 much_more="HEAD "10 else v2 count_head=v2.6$(count_patches v3.$f filatest3 HEAD) d2 count_rc=$(get_tag_date count_patches v3.$latest3 $v2last_rc) echo if test $count_head -n gt $d2 $v2 ((count_rc+much_more)); then HEAD=" HEAD " fifi pv=''for v in $(git log for-each-ref --prettysort=short '*authordate' --no-merges $v1..$v2 | grep format='Author:%(tag)' refs/tags | egrep \ grep -v -E -- '|||||adobriyan@|kuznet@11' | wc ) HEAD; do if [ -z "$pv" ]; then pv=$v continue fi  pd=$(get_tag_date $pv) d=$(get_tag_date $v) count_ours=$(count_patches $pv $v) count_total=$(count_total_patches $pv $v) if test "$count_ours" -lgt 0; then echo $d $v " " $count_ours $count_total fi pv=$v
done | sed 's/ /\t/g'
<small><source lang="bash">
export GDFONTPATH=/usr/share/fonts/microsoft
export GIT_DIR=$REPO
if test "$1" != "-f"; then
echo "== Previous (old) stats ==" tail -n 2 $OUT # Update the repo and count new stats (cd $REPO && cd .. && git pull ) && sh count $COUNT > time.dat$OUT echo "== New stats ==" tail -n 2 $OUT
DATE=$(date tail -n 1 $OUT | cut -f 1 | awk -F- '+%d %b %Y{print $2,$1,$3}')MAXY=$(awk 'BEGIN {max=0}; ($3 > max) {max=$3}; END {print max+5080}' < time.dat)# GNU date is powerful!MAXX=$(date +%b-1-%Y --date='+2 months')
export GDFONTPATH=/usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts/
cat << EOF | gnuplot > plot.png
set terminal png transparent nocrop enhanced font verdanab 8 "verdana,13" size 6001600,4001200 
set title "OpenVZ team kernel patches progress as of ${DATE}"
set timefmt "%b-%d-%Y"
set format x "%b\n%Y"
set grid xtics mxtics noytics
set xrange [ : "${MAXX}" ]
set yrange [ 0 : ${MAXY} ]
set ylabel "Number of patches from OpenVZ team,\n per kernel release, accepted into mainstream"
set border 3 # no lines at right and topset xtics nomirror # no tics at topset ytics nomirror # no tics at right
plot 'time.dat${OUT}' using 1:3 with linespoints pt 7 6 ps 1.5 lw 2 lt 2 notitle, \ '' using 1:3:2 with labels left offset 0,1 5.5 rotate notitle, \ '' using 1:3:3 with labels left offset 0.7,0 notitle