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Hosting providers

168 bytes added, 05:23, 4 April 2011
* [] offers OpenVZ and Xen VPS solutions and Cloud solutions - 36 OS's to choose from.
* [ CH Hosting VPS Hosting] CH Hosting or offers OpenVZ based VPS Hosting. 24/7 Support. Upgrade/Downgrade your plan as needed on-the-fly without the risk of downtime. Since 2006. Non-Oversell
* [] Offering quality OpenVZ VPS's at budget prices. Offsite backups of containers. 64Bit servers with RAID10 storage.
* [] is an unmanaged VPS provider offering Xen HVM, Xen PV and OpenVZ based services in the UK and US.
* [ Delimiter] DelimiterVPS offers VPS's in 20+ cities with unlimited bandwidth, zero overselling, choice of all major Linux distros. 1.5GB RAM, 100GB Disk, Unlimited Traffic $20/month. Second month is free with promo code
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