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Installation on Debian/old

3,978 bytes added, 22:58, 8 January 2007
add info's about precreated debian at, add minor hints
= Sarge (Stable ) =The OpenVZ packages at aimed to install OpenVZ in a easy way, some task are done on install process!
== Edit apt settings ==
add == edit apt source settings ==Add to your "/etc/apt/sources.list"
== Packages at (dso) ==
precreated == precompiled kernel images at (dso) ==The kernel-images on (dso) use the same kernel-config taken from OpenVZ Debian Packages:.(most kernel-modules are built-in!)
kernel(s) for i368 and amd64
== Installing the kernels and OpenVZ toolset ==
== installing the kernel-images, toolset and debian-os-template ==Example: install the stable OpenVZ kernel, tools and debian Debian OS Template
# aptitude install ovzkernel-2.6.9 vzctl vzquota vzctl-ostmpl-debian
Maybe you need to update you "linux-loader" like lilo or grub:
Maybe you need to update you "linux-loader" (can be configured at /etc/kernel-img.conf) for the "GRUB":  # /sbin/grub-update 
Reboot in your new Debian Stable OpenVZ System
# reboot
That's all :-)
Now it's time to setup your VE's with the minimal Debian-3.1 Template, create new one or download another precreated OS-Template.
=Etch (testing)=
OpenVZ is now a part of Debian Etch (a.k.a. "testing") repository. This article describes how to install OpenVZ on a Debian Etch system.
=Etch (Testing) = Installing OpenVZ is now a part of Debian Etch (a.k.a. "testing") repository. == install the utilities and kernel patch -image == === use precomiled kernel images ===Can be found at
To install the kernel-source, OpenVZ kernel patch and utilities, run the following:
aptList of precompiled kernel-images  linux-image-2.6.18-openvz-486_02_i386.deb linux-image-2.6.18-openvz-686_02_i386.deb linux-image-2.6.18-openvz-amd64_01_amd64.deb linux-image-get update2.6.18-openvz-ia64_01_ia64.debapt linux-image-2.6.18-get install kernelopenvz-package k7_02_i386.deb linux-sourceimage-2.6.18 kernel-patchopenvz-sparc64-smp_01_sparc.deb linux-image-2.6.18-openvz vzctl vzquota-sparc64_01_sparc.deb
== Creating the kernel package ==Example: Installing an OpenVZ precompiled Debian Kernel-Image for an i686:
First you need to unpack the <pre> # wget # dpkg -i linux-image-2.6.18-openvz-686_02_i386.deb</pre>
=== or build your own kernel-image (debian way) ===
To install the kernel-source and the OpenVZ kernel patch, run:
cd /usr/srctar xjf # apt-get install kernel-package linux-source-2.6.18.tar.bz2cd linuxkernel-patch-sourceopenvz libncurses5-2.6.18dev
Next, you need to get a kernel config. You can use the config of the debian-kernel:
Unpack the kernel-source:
cp # cd /bootusr/configsrc # tar xjf linux-source-2.6.18.tar.bz2 # cd linux-3source-686 2.config6.18
Now you can apply openvz kernel patch and compile the kernel:
You need a kernel config.
You can use the config of the debian-kernel:
make # cp /boot/config-kpkg 2.6.18-3-append_to_version=-1-openvz --added_patches=openvz --revision=1 kernel_image --initrd686 .config
You will have to answer some config-questions. Usually, the provided defaults will suffice.
Or get a 2.6.18 kernel config from <pre> # wget -O .config</pre>  Now you can apply openvz kernel patch and modify your kernel-config:<pre> # ../kernel-patches/all/apply/openvz # make menuconfig</pre>  You need following OpenVZ kernel config settings:<pre></pre>  Compile your Kernel (as user root, or you need the --fakerootcmd!)<pre> # make-kpkg --append_to_version=-1-openvz --added_patches= Install the kernel package =openvz --revision=1 kernel_image --initrd</pre> 
Install the kernel and update initramfs:
# dpkg -i ../linux-image-2.6.18-1-openvz_1_i386.deb
# update-initramfs -c -k 2.6.18-1-openvz
INFO: update-initramfs is done, when make-kpkg is use with --initrd option
INFO: update-grub can be configured by /etc/kernel-img.conf
Update the bootloader (when not done above)
# /usr/sbin/update-grub
INFO: since the Debian ETCH-release the location of update-grub is moved from /sbin/update-grub to /usr/sbin/update-grub !
== install the toolset ==
You need the toolset for manage-ing OpenVZ Virtual Enviromennt (VE)
# apt-get install vzctl vzquota
== modify needed settings ==
Debian Way:
If you want network access for the virtual server then you need to enable IP forwarding. Set "ip_forward" to yes in /etc/network/option.
# editor /etc/network/options
In some cases you may need to enable proxy_arp for the network devices that you want your virtual hosts to be accessible on.
You can add this to a specific interface in the network configuration (/etc/network/interfaces) by the following lines, replace %DEV% with your device name (ie. eth0).
cd [...]# device: %DEV%iface %DEV% inet static address netmask network -i linux-image- broadcast gateway up sysctl -openvz_1_i386w net.debipv4.conf.%DEV%.proxy_arp=1update pre-initramfs down sysctl -c -k 2w net.ipv4.conf.6%DEV%.18-1-openvzproxy_arp=0update-grub [...]
<small>Remark: the update-initramfs and update-grub are already automatically done when installing the package</small>
Just reboot into or use the /etc/network/if-up/ and /etc/network/if-pre-down.d/ directories.  INFO: # man 5 interfaces (to read more about debian's network interface configuration for ifup and ifdown)  INFO: Please add to use the magic-sysrq key, to your new openvz/etc/sysctl.conf  plain OpenVZ Linux Way: Add settings to "/etc/sysctl.conf" <pre> # On Hardware Node we generally need # packet forwarding enabled and proxy arp disabled net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 net.ipv4.conf.default.proxy_arp = 0  # Enables source route verification net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1  # Enables the magic-sysrq key kernel.sysrq = 1  # TCP Explict Congestion Notification # net.ipv4.tcp_ecn = 0  # we do not want all our interfaces to send redirects net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects = 1 net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0 </pre>  <pre> INFO: Suggestion: Please make a symlink from /var/lib/vz to /vz as backward compability to Main OpenVZ (Debian vz root directory is installed FHS-like to /var/lib/vz)  # ln -s /var/lib/vz /vz</pre>  '''Before you restart you Server, keep in mind, that your system has all needed modules enabled; booting from your harddisk (e.g. hardware modules, raid system(s), lvm2 etc). May you need a INITRD (initramdisk) or compile needed kernel modules statically in.'''   # reboot   That's all! Now it's time to create a OS Template or download another precreated OS-Template.   INFO: Suggestions: Setup your default OS Template in /etc/vz/vz.conf  
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