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Remote console setup

1,269 bytes added, 19:57, 26 May 2006
== Netconsole ==
FIXME this assumes you have not yet compiled netconsole as a module or into your kernel. edit your kernel configuration file, in my case mine was located at /usr/src/openvz/linux-2.6.16edit .config with a text editor (nano .config)set netconsole to Y or M (depending on whether you want it as a module or built into the kernel, i installed it as a module) CONFIG_NETCONSOLE=m save then recompile the kernel. cd /usr/src/openvz/linux-2.6.16make bzImage && make modules && make modules_installupdate your bootloader for the new updated kernel. in my case i use lilo so i just type lilo at the prompt. next you want your netconsole to send the request to somewhere. modprobe netconsole netconsole=4444@,6666@ this will load the module in with your settings. replace your ip address with where is, eth0 is your network interface card. 6666 is the remote netconsole port (UDP), and replace with your remote netconsole server. also add in the mac address of your netconsole server, which in my case was 00:05:5D:34:11:AF. then just setup netcat on your console server to listen on port 6666 UDP. netcat -u -l -p6666 when your openvz kernel performs an OOPS, it will be captured on the netconsole server :) enjoy.
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