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Resource shortage

886 bytes added, 20:52, 12 January 2012
usage of vzcpucheck explained by kir
102 gets 2000/6000 or 1/3rd of the time. (34%)
103 gets 3000/6000 or 1/2 of the time. (50%)
To summarize: those units are proportional to each other. To say it more strict, to the sum of all CTs units, plus the host system, please don't forget that one. So indeed, units of 1 1 1 1 are the same as 200 200 200 200 or 8888 8888 8888 8888.
You may wonder why there's the tool vzcpucheck, which returns an absolute number called the "power of the node". The thing is, when you move a CT from one box to another, it could be problematic if you use different scales and different CPUs.
So vzcpucheck tries to work around that by inventing something called 'power of the node' which it gets from /proc/cpuinfo I guess (haven't checked it). If it shows a power of the node 10000 and you distribute that among all the CTs on the node, and then move one CT to another node which had cpuunits set in the same manner, that CT will have about the same CPU units it had on the old node.
=== cpulimit ===

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