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Processes scope and visibility

225 bytes added, 18:55, 20 July 2006
vzprocps description fixed, use template:forum for forum link
=== Use vzprocps tools ===
Take <code>vzprocps </code> tools from is These are usual <code>ps</code> and <code>top </code> utilities (named <code>vztop</code> and <code>vzps</code> to not conflict with the standard ones) with an <code>-E </code> option added. You can use <code>-E <i>VEID</i></code> option allowing to filter limit the output.If given wto the selected VEID (use 0 for the host system), or just <code>-E</o VE number, then it simply adds code> without an argument to just add VEID column to its output.
== See also ==
* [{Forum|836 forum thread #836]}
[[Category: HOWTO]]