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Setup OpenStack with Virtuozzo 7

460 bytes added, 14:10, 8 June 2017
Installing OpenStack with help of packstack on Virtuozzo 7 (*Production Setup*)
Output will show the virtuozzo storage cluster properties and state.
Configure the script on the COMPUTE node. Please read script description here
virt_type = parallels
images_type = qcow2
connection_uri = parallelsvz:///system
Delete the line:
* Create a new repo fileInstall Virtuozzo Platform Release package to all Virtuozzo OpenStack nodes:
cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/virtuozzo-extra.repo << _EOF [virtuozzo-extra] name=Virtuozzo Extra baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 priority=50 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-Virtuozzo-7 _EOF * Add RDO repository: $ yum install
* Install packstack package:
* Download sample Vz7 packstack answer file:
$ wget * Edit vz7-packstack-ocata.txt enabling/disabling necessary services* Replace all references to 'localhost' and '' host addresses to correct valuses* Set all passwords parameters containing PW_PLACEHOLDER string to some meaninful values* If you are going to use Virtuozzo Storage as a Cinder Volume backend set the following parameters:  # Enable Virtuozzo Storage CONFIG_VSTORAGE_ENABLED=y  # VStorage cluster name. CONFIG_VSTORAGE_CLUSTER_NAME=  # VStorage cluster password. CONFIG_VSTORAGE_CLUSTER_PASSWORD=   # Bridge mappings CONFIG_NEUTRON_OVS_BRIDGE_MAPPINGS=extnet1:br-ex
* Edit vz7 # Bridge interfaces CONFIG_NEUTRON_OVS_BRIDGE_IFACES=br-packstack-sample.txt enabling/disabling necessary services. Also make sure you have correct IP addresses specified by the following parameters in the fileex:eth0
* Change CONFIG_DEFAULT_PASSWORD parameter!!!
* Then run packstack:
$ packstack --answer-file =vz7-packstack-sampleocata.txt
== Install and configure a nova controller node on [[Virtuozzo]] 7 (*Production Setup*) == <!--T:18-->
* Follow instructions on []
* Change disk_formats string in /etc/glance/glance-api.conf so that it contains 'ploop'. Like this:
disk_formats = ami,ari,aki,vhd,vmdk,raw,qcow2,vdi,iso,ploop
* Restart glance-api service:
systemctl restart openstack-glance-api.service
* Download the container [ image]
NOTE: this image was created for testing purposes only. Don't use it in production as is!
$ glance image-create --name centos7-exe --disk-format ploop --min-ram 512 --min-disk 1 --container-format bare --property vm_mode=exe --property hypervisor_type=vz --property cinder_img_volume_type=vstorage-ploop --file centos7-exe.hds
$ glance image-create --name centos7-hvm --disk-format qcow2 --min-ram 1024 --min-disk 10 --container-format bare --property cinder_img_volume_type=vstorage-qcow2 --file CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2
* CentOS image one can get from here [ here]
== Install and configure a compute node on [[Virtuozzo]] 7 (*Production Setup*) == <!--T:16-->
Please use this chapter if you are going to run containers OR virtual machines on your compute node, but not containers AND virtual machines simultaneously. If you need to run containers and VMs simultaneously, please use next chapter.
* Follow instructions on []
* In addition to above instructions change /etc/nova/nova.conf:
vzstorage_mount_user = nova
vzstorage_mount_group = root
virt_type = parallels
images_type = ploop
connection_uri = parallelsvz:///system
* Remove 'cpu_mode' parameter or set the following:
* Then restart nova-compute service:
If you are going to run containers AND virtual machines simultaneously on your compute node you have to use this approach.
* Follow instructions on []
* In addition to above instructions change /etc/cinder/cinder.conf:
* Authenticate your Virtuozzo Storage client nodes in oreser to allow them to mount cluster:
$ echo $CLUSTER_PASSWD | vstorage auth-node -c cc YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME -P
* Then restart cinder services:
$ systemctl restart openstack-cinder-volume
== How to create a new image ploop image ready to upload to Glance == <!--T:17-->
* Select os template. The following templates are possible: vzlinux-7, centos-7, ubuntu-16.04, ubuntu-14.04, debian-8.0, centos-6, debian-8.0-x86_64-minimal
$ prlctl exec glance-$ct yum install cloud-init -y
* Stop the container and mount it
$ prlctl stop glance-$ct
$ prlctl mount glance-$ct
* Store the container uuid
$ uuid=$(vzlist glance-$ct | awk ' NR>1 { print $1 }')
* Remove the following modules from cloud.cfg
$ prlctl exec glance-$ct sed -i '/- growpart/d' /vz/root/$uuid/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg $ prlctl exec glance-$ct sed -i '/- resizefs/d' /vz/root/$uuid/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
* Prepare network scripts
cat > /vz/root/$uuid/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 << _EOF
* If you need more than one network adapters withing within a container, make as many copies as you need
$ prlctl exec glance-cp /vz/root/$ct cp uuid/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 /vz/root/$uuid/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 $ prlctl exec glance-$ct sed -i '/eth0/eth1' /vz/root/$uuid/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
* Perform some cleanup
$ rm -f /vz/root/$uuid/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-venet0* $ rm -f /vz/root/$uuid/etc/resolv.conf * Stop the container  $ prlctl stop glance-$ct
* Create ploop disk and copy files
$ mkdir /tmp/ploop-$ct/dst
$ ploop mount -m /tmp/ploop-$ct/dst /tmp/ploop-$ct/DiskDescriptor.xml
$ prlctl mount glance-$ct $ id=$(vzlist glance-$ct | awk ' NR>1 { print $1 }') $ cp -Pr --preserve=all /vz/root/$iduuid/* /tmp/ploop-$ct/dst/ $ ploop umount -m /tmp/ploop-$ct/dst/ * Unmount the container 
$ prlctl umount glance-$ct
$ ploop umount -m /tmp/ploop-$ct/dst/
* Now the image tmp/ploop-$ct/$ct.hds is ready to be uploaded to Glance