Talk:Fedora Core 5 Tips

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Revision as of 21:46, 11 September 2006 by Augustz (talk | contribs) (Forgot to sign discussion and diff to simplification)
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Simplified commoand

The simplified command for fixing metadata just displays the text to the screen. I'm looking at this perhaps being a bit of receipe type book for people who struggle with openvz (ie, folks a bit newer to linux). With the display on the screen they still have to write it to a temporary file, and then copy that temporary file over the original, so the receipe is a bit incomplete.

You can easily do this in a one line command of course, but you still end often using an extra intermediate file, which is why I picked the .orig file way of doing things. I think it's a good example for folks who might do other (especially non-idempotent) sed operations. The original method allows repeated applications without worrying if something has already been applied, is completely reversible, and if a source repo is available makes patch submission very easy :) Any time I find myself modifying upstream sources I've used this approach (ie, keep an .orig copy) and it has worked very well especially for contributing back.

Anyways, those are the two cents. Happy to see it simplified again (the other classic approach is > tempfile && mv tempfile origfile). And of course the tip is likely to be short lived anyways! Augustz 17:46, 11 September 2006 (EDT)