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User Guide/Preface

215 bytes removed, 12:38, 28 April 2009
Organization of This Guide: remove "Managing Templates"
Chapter 4, [[../Operations on Virtual Private Servers/]], covers those operations that you may perform on a container as on a single entity: creating and deleting Virtual Private Servers, starting and stopping them, etc.
Chapter 5, [[../Managing TemplatesResources/]], shows you the way to handle OpenVZ templates properly – create zeroes in on configuring and install templates and template updates on monitoring the Hardware Noderesource control parameters for different containers. These parameters comprise disk quotas, disk I/O, add them to CPU and remove from system resources. Common ways of optimizing your containers, etcconfigurations are suggested at the end of the chapter.
Chapter 6, [[../Managing ResourcesAdvanced Tasks/]], zeroes in on configuring and monitoring the resource control parameters enumerates those tasks that are intended for different containers. These parameters comprise disk quotas, disk I/O, CPU and advanced system resources. Common ways of optimizing your containers configurations are suggested at the end of the chapteradministrators who would like to obtain deeper knowledge about OpenVZ capabilities.
Chapter 7, [[../Advanced TasksTroubleshooting/]], enumerates those tasks that are intended for advanced system administrators who would like suggests ways to obtain deeper knowledge about resolve common inconveniences should they occur during your work with the OpenVZ capabilitiessoftware.
Chapter 8, [[../Troubleshooting/]], suggests ways to resolve common inconveniences should they occur during your work with the OpenVZ software. Chapter 9, [[../Reference/]], is a complete reference on all OpenVZ configuration files and Hardware Node command-line utilities. You should read this chapter if you do not understand a file format or looking for an explanation of a particular configuration option, if you need help for a particular command or looking for a command to perform a certain task.
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