Virtual Ethernet device

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Virtual Ethernet device is an Ethernet-like device which can be used inside a container. Unlike venet network device, veth device has a MAC address, therefore it can be used in configurations, when veth is bridged to ethX or other device and container's user fully sets up his networking himself, including IPs, gateways etc.

Virtual Ethernet device consist of two Ethernet devices -- the one in CT0 and another one in CT. These devices are connected to each other, so if a packet goes to one device it will come out from the other device.

Virtual Ethernet device usage

Kernel module

First of all, make sure the vzethdev module is loaded:

# lsmod | grep vzeth
vzethdev                8224  0
vzmon                  35164  5 vzethdev,vznetdev,vzrst,vzcpt
vzdev                   3080  4 vzethdev,vznetdev,vzmon,vzdquota

In case it is not loaded, load it:

# modprobe vzethdev

MAC addresses

In the below commands, you should use random MAC addresses. Do not use MAC addresses of real eth devices, because this can lead to collisions.

MAC addresses must be entered in XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX format.


Nevertheless, there is a utility script available for generating MAC addresses: It is to be used like this:

chmod +x
./ -R

Adding veth to a CT

vzctl set <CTID> --netif_add <ifname>[,<mac>,<host_ifname>,<host_mac>,<bridge>]


  • ifname is the Ethernet device name in the CT
  • mac is its MAC address in the CT
  • host_ifname is the Ethernet device name on the host (CT0)
  • host_mac is its MAC address on the host (CT0)
  • bridge is an optional parameter which can be used in custom network start scripts to automatically add the interface to a bridge.
Yellowpin.svg Note: All parameters except ifname are optional and are automatically generated if not specified.


vzctl set 101 --netif_add eth0 --save

Or, if you want to specify everything:

vzctl set 101 --netif_add eth0,00:12:34:56:78:9A,veth101.0,00:12:34:56:78:9B --save

Or, if you want to specify the bridge and leave the other values autogenerated:

vzctl set 101 --netif_add eth0,,,,vmbr1 --save

Removing veth from a CT

vzctl set <CTID> --netif_del <dev_name>|all


  • dev_name is the Ethernet device name in the CT.
Yellowpin.svg Note: If you want to remove all Ethernet devices in CT, use all.


vzctl set 101 --netif_del eth0 --save

Common configurations with virtual Ethernet devices

Module vzethdev must be loaded to operate with veth devices.

Simple configuration with virtual Ethernet device

Assuming you have on your LAN, you will learn how to integrate a container in this LAN using veth.

Start a CT

[host-node]# vzctl start 101

Add veth device to CT

[host-node]# vzctl set 101 --netif_add eth0 --save

This allocates a MAC address and associates it with the host eth0 port.

Configure devices in CT0

[host-node]# ifconfig veth101.0 0
[host-node]# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/veth101.0/forwarding
[host-node]# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/veth101.0/proxy_arp
[host-node]# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/forwarding
[host-node]# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/proxy_arp

Configure device in CT

[host-node]# vzctl enter 101
[ve-101]# /sbin/ifconfig eth0 0
[ve-101]# /sbin/ip addr add dev eth0
[ve-101]# /sbin/ip route add default dev eth0


Add route in CT0

[host-node]# ip route add dev veth101.0

Using a directly routed IPv4 with virtual Ethernet device


Hardware Node (HN/CT0) has with router

We also know that IPv4 is directly routed to (this is called a fail-over IP).

We want to give this directly routed IPv4 address to a container (CT).

Start container

[host-node]# vzctl start 101

Add veth device to CT

[host-node]# vzctl set 101 --netif_add eth0 --save

This allocates a MAC address and associates it with the host eth0 port.

Configure device and add route in CT0

[host-node]# ifconfig veth101.0 0
[host-node]# ip route add dev veth101.0

You can automatize this at VPS creation by using a mount script $VEID.mount.

The problem here is that the veth interface appears in CT0 after VPS has started, therefore we cannot directly use the commands in the mount script. We launch a shell script (enclosed by { }) in background (operator &) that waits for the interface to be ready and then adds the IP route.

Contents of the mount script /etc/vz/conf/101.mount:

# This script source VPS configuration files in the same order as vzctl does

# if one of these files does not exist then something is really broken
[ -f /etc/vz/vz.conf ] || exit 1
[ -f $VE_CONFFILE ] || exit 1

# source both files. Note the order, it is important
. /etc/vz/vz.conf

# Configure veth with IP after VPS has started
  while sleep 1; do
    /sbin/ifconfig $DEV 0 >/dev/null 2>&1
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
      /sbin/ip route add $IP dev $DEV
} &

Make sure IPv4 forwarding is enabled in CT0

[host-node]# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
[host-node]# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/forwarding
[host-node]# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/veth101.0/forwarding

You can permanently set this by using /etc/sysctl.conf.

Configure device in CT

1. Configure IP address

2. Add gateway

3. Add default route

[ve-101]# /sbin/ifconfig eth0 netmask
[ve-101]# /sbin/ip route add dev eth0
[ve-101]# /sbin/ip route add default via

In a Debian container, you can configure this permanently by using /etc/network/interfaces:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
        up /sbin/ip route add dev eth0
        up /sbin/ip route add default via

Virtual Ethernet device with IPv6

See the VEs and HNs in same subnets article.

Virtual Ethernet devices can be joined in one bridge

Perform steps 1 - 4 from Simple configuration chapter for several containers and/or veth devices

Create bridge device

[host-node]# brctl addbr vzbr0

Add veth devices to bridge

[host-node]# brctl addif vzbr0 veth101.0
[host-node]# brctl addif vzbr0 veth101.n
[host-node]# brctl addif vzbr0 veth102.0
[host-node]# brctl addif vzbr0 vethXXX.N

Configure bridge device

[host-node]# ifconfig vzbr0 0

Add routes in CT0

[host-node]# ip route add dev vzbr0
[host-node]# ip route add 192.168.101.n dev vzbr0
[host-node]# ip route add dev vzbr0
[host-node]# ip route add 192.168.XXX.N dev vzbr0

Thus you'll have more convinient configuration, i.e. all routes to containers will be through this bridge and containers can communicate with each other even without these routes.

Making a veth-device persistent

According to , a bug that stopped the veth device persistent was "Obsoleted now when --veth_add/--veth_del are introduced"

See for a workaround that used to be described in this section.

That's it! At this point, when you restart the CT you should see a new line in the output, indicating that the interface is being configured and a new route being added. And you should be able to ping the host, and to enter the CT and use the network.

Making a bridged veth-device persistent

Like the above example, here it is how to add the veth device to a bridge in a persistent way.

vzctl include a 'vznetaddbr' script, which makes use of the bridge parameter of the --netif_add switch.

Just create /etc/vz/vznet.conf containing the following.


The script uses 'vmbr0' as default bridge name when no bridge is specified.

Virtual Ethernet devices + VLAN

This configuration can be done by adding vlan device to the previous configuration.

See also

External links