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Vzctl for upstream kernel

288 bytes added, 16:16, 19 September 2012
Networking: howto
=== Networking ===
{{Warn|IP mode networking (--ipadd / --ipdel) is currently not supported}}
Networking is available through the switches <code>--netdev_add</code>, <code>--netif_add</code>, and their respective deletion counterparts.In this case [[Virtual Ethernet device]] is added in [[CT]]Unfortunately now it requires some manual configuration.
One life hack may be useful while "vzctl enter" doesn't work. If you use DHCP and don't know which an IP address is in CT, you can find it in /vz/root/[CTID]/var/log/message. "ip netns exec" can help you too, but it doesn't work sometimes. $ ip netns exec [CTID] ip a== Bridged networking ==
IP mode networking The following example assumes* you already have a bridge configured on the host system* bridge interface name is virbr0* CT is running Red Hat like distro (CentOS)  vzctl set $CTID --ipadd netif_add eth0,,,,virbr0 --save  echo "NETWORKING=yes" > / vz/private/$CTID/etc/sysconfig/network  cat << EOF > /vz/private/$CTID/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ipdel) is currently not supported.eth0 DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=dhcp ONBOOT=yes EOF  vzctl start $CTID After this, you can find CT IP using this: # ip netns exec $CTID ip address list
== Limitations ==