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Human readable user beancounters

10,350 bytes added, 12:08, 30 May 2011
no edit summary
sub check_maxulong {
Here is another modified version with some caculation addons and consistency checks.
Also every possible value will be stored stored in hashes which makes it easy to add some more calculations.
Additional Output:
Total RAM: 4154634240
Total SWAP: 8589926400
lowmem current utilization: 2.61%
lowmem maximum utilization: 6.88%
lowmem barrier: 54.80%
lowmem commitment: 105.00%
lowmem limit: 1584.87mb
oomguarpages utilization can be between 32.60% and 66.30%
oomguarpages current utilization: 14.84%
oomguarpages commitment (80-100%): 36.12%
privvmpages of a single container should not be higher than: 2377.30mb
allocated memory (privvmpages) current utilization: 25.39%
allocation (privvmpages) limit: 126.77%
allocation memory guarantee (vmguarpages <100%): 39.43%
<source lang=perl>
# this script reads /proc/user_beancounters on openvz HNs and VEs and displays
# the values in human-readable format (megabytes/kilobytes).
# The script can be distributed freely for everybody who finds it usable.
# Christian Anton <mail |_at_|> 2008-09-18
# modified by PVCE Andreas Neuhold <nean[at]hd-recording[dot]at> for additional advanced calculations
my %beancounters;
my %sumbeancounters;
my %calc;
my $ram=$1 if (qx(free -b) =~ /.*Mem:\s*(\d+)\s*/);
my $swap=$1 if (qx(free -b) =~ /.*Swap:\s*(\d+)\s*/);
chomp ($arch = `uname -m`);
sub check_maxulong {
my $number = shift;
if ($arch eq "x86_64") {
if ($number == 9223372036854775807) {
return 1;
} else {
return undef;
} else {
if ($number == 2147483647) {
return 1;
} else {
return undef;
sub recalc_bytes {
my $bytes = shift;
if (defined(&check_maxulong($bytes))) { return "unlimited"; }
my $kbytes = $bytes / 1024;
my $ret;
# if over 1mb, show mb values
if ($kbytes > 1024) {
my $mbytes = $kbytes / 1024;
$ret = sprintf("%.2f", $mbytes) . " mb";
return $ret;
} else {
$ret = sprintf("%.2f", $kbytes) . " kb";
return $ret;
sub recalc_pages {
my $pages = shift;
if ($pages == 0) { return "0"; }
if (defined(&check_maxulong($pages))) { return "unlimited"; }
my $kbytes = $pages * 4;
my $ret;
if ($kbytes > 1024) {
my $mbytes = $kbytes / 1024;
$ret = sprintf("%.2f", $mbytes) . " mb";
return $ret;
} else {
$ret = sprintf("%.2f", $kbytes) . " kb";
return $ret;
sub recalc_nothing {
my $number = shift;
if (defined(&check_maxulong($number))) { return "unlimited"; }
return $number;
sub printline {
my $mode = shift; # 0=normal, 1=bytes, 2=pages
my $ident = shift;
my $held = shift;
my $maxheld = shift;
my $barrier = shift;
my $limit = shift;
my $failcnt = shift;
if ($mode == 0) {
printf ("%-15s",$ident);
printf ("%18s",&recalc_nothing($held));
printf ("%21s",&recalc_nothing($maxheld));
printf ("%21s",&recalc_nothing($barrier));
printf ("%21s",&recalc_nothing($limit));
printf ("%21s",$failcnt);
print "\n";
} elsif ($mode == 1) {
printf ("%-15s",$ident);
printf ("%18s",&recalc_bytes($held));
printf ("%21s",&recalc_bytes($maxheld));
printf ("%21s",&recalc_bytes($barrier));
printf ("%21s",&recalc_bytes($limit));
printf ("%21s",$failcnt);
print "\n";
} elsif ($mode == 2) {
printf ("%-15s",$ident);
printf ("%18s",&recalc_pages($held));
printf ("%21s",&recalc_pages($maxheld));
printf ("%21s",&recalc_pages($barrier));
printf ("%21s",&recalc_pages($limit));
printf ("%21s",$failcnt);
print "\n";
sub work_line {
my $cid = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $ident = $line;
my $held = $line;
my $maxheld = $line;
my $barrier = $line;
my $limit = $line;
my $failcnt = $line;
$ident =~ s/^\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/$1/;
$held =~ s/^\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/$2/;
$maxheld =~ s/^\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/$3/;
$barrier =~ s/^\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/$4/;
$limit =~ s/^\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/$5/;
$failcnt =~ s/^\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/$6/;
# save everything in hashes
# 0=normal, 1=bytes, 2=pages
if ($ident eq "dummy") {
# do nothing, skip this line
} elsif ($ident =~ /pages/) {
} elsif ($ident =~ /^num/) {
} else {
sub print_header {
my $cid = shift;
print "\n########################################################################\n";
print "CID $cid\n";
print "resource held maxheld barrier limit failcnt\n";
# now eat your beans baby
while (<BEANS>) {
chomp($line = $_);
# skip processing of headline
if ($line =~ /^\s+uid/) {
# do nothing, skip this
} elsif ($line =~ /^Ver/) {
# do nothing, skip this
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s+\d+:\s+kmem/) {
$cid = $line;
$line =~ s/^(\s+)(\d+):/$1/;
$cid =~ s/^(\s+)(\d+):.*$/$2/;
} else {
print "########################################################################\n\n";
print "Total RAM: $ram \nTotal SWAP: $swap\n\n";
# summarize all values of all containers
foreach my $cid (keys %beancounters) {
if ($cid > 0 ) {
#print "\n$cid :\n";
foreach my $ident (keys %{$beancounters{$cid}}) {
foreach my $stat (keys %{$beancounters{$cid}{$ident}}) {
# summarize all values of all containers
$sumbeancounters{$ident}{$stat} += $beancounters{$cid}{$ident}{$stat};
# summarize all socket buffers
$sumbeancounters{"buf"}{$stat} += $beancounters{$cid}{$ident}{$stat} if ($ident =~ /.*buf/i);
# checks
print "WARNING! CID $cid: numiptent should not be greater than 200-300!\n vzvtl set --numiptent 200:200\n" if ($beancounters{$cid}{"numiptent"}{"lim"} > 200);
print "WARNING! CID $cid: numsiginfo hould not be greater than 1024!\n vzvtl set --numsiginfo 1024:1024\n" if ($beancounters{$cid}{"numsiginfo"}{"lim"} > 1024);
print "WARNING! CID $cid: kmemsize barrier to small or numproc to high!\n $beancounters{$cid}{'kmemsize'}{'bar'} > (40960*$beancounters{$cid}{'numproc'}{'held'}+$beancounters{$cid}{'dcachesize'}{'lim'})\n" if ($beancounters{$cid}{"kmemsize"}{"bar"} < (40960*$beancounters{$cid}{"numproc"}{"held"}+$beancounters{$cid}{"dcachesize"}{"lim"}));
print "WARNING! CID $cid: tcpsndbuf to small or numtcpsock to high!\n($beancounters{$cid}{'tcpsndbuf'}{'lim'}-$beancounters{$cid}{'tcpsndbuf'}{'bar'}) > (2560*$beancounters{$cid}{'numtcpsock'}{'maxheld'})\n" if (($beancounters{$cid}{"tcpsndbuf"}{"lim"}-$beancounters{$cid}{"tcpsndbuf"}{"bar"}) < (2560*$beancounters{$cid}{"numtcpsock"}{"maxheld"}));
print "WARNING! CID $cid: othersockbuf to small or numothersock to high!\n ($beancounters{$cid}{'othersockbuf'}{'lim'}-$beancounters{$cid}{'othersockbuf'}{'bar'}) > (2560*$beancounters{$cid}{'numothersock'}{'maxheld'})\n" if (($beancounters{$cid}{"othersockbuf"}{"lim"}-$beancounters{$cid}{"othersockbuf"}{"bar"}) < (2560*$beancounters{$cid}{"numothersock"}{"maxheld"}));
#print "########################################################################\n\n";
printf("lowmem current utilization: %.2f%\n", $calc{"lowmem"}{"util"});
printf("lowmem maximum utilization: %.2f%\n", $calc{"lowmem"}{"maxutil"});
printf("lowmem barrier: %.2f%\n", $calc{"lowmem"}{"bar"});
printf("lowmem commitment: %.2f%\n", $calc{"lowmem"}{"comit"});
printf("lowmem limit: %.2fmb\n", $calc{'lowmem'}{'limit'});
printf "\noomguarpages utilization can be between %.2f% and %.2f%\n", $calc{'oomguarpages'}{'min'}, $calc{'oomguarpages'}{'max'};
printf("oomguarpages current utilization: %.2f%\n", $calc{"oomguarpages"}{"util"});
printf("oomguarpages commitment (80-100%): %.2f%\n", $calc{"oomguarpages"}{"comit"});
printf("\nprivvmpages of a single container should not be higher than: %.2fmb\n", $calc{'privvmpages'}{'max'});
printf("allocated memory (privvmpages) current utilization: %.2f%\n", $calc{"privvmpages"}{"util"});
printf("allocation (privvmpages) limit: %.2f%\n", $calc{"privvmpages"}{"lim"});
printf("allocation memory guarantee (vmguarpages <100%): %.2f%\n", $calc{"vmguarpages"}{"comit"});
# numiptent 200-300
print "\n########################################################################\n\n";

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