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3,610 bytes added, 13:07, 15 September 2011
== Changes ==
Since {{dlink|vzctl|}}.

'''New features'''
* <code>vzctl set --ipadd</code>: support for net masks ({{B|1088}})
* <code>vzsplit</code>: support for VSwap enabled config generation

* <code>vzctl set --ipadd</code>: fix default route disappearing in Debian-based containers after adding netmask ({{B|1971}})
* configs: fix VSwap configurations
* <code>vzctl set</code>/<code>start</code>: fix parsing <code>T</code> suffix on 32-bit boxes
* <code>vzctl set --devices</code>: option argument parsing fixes
* <code>vzctl set --devices</code>|<code>--devnodes</code>: do not allow to enable loop devices in CT
* <code>vzctl set --netdev_add</code>: fix exit code in case of invalid veth params
* <code>vzctl create</code>: turn on quota when running postcreate actions
* <code>vzctl create</code>: also randomize <code>/etc/cron.d</code> entries in <code></code>
* <code>vzctl start</code>: add <code>SETFCAP</code> to default capabilities in CT ({{B|1911}})
* <code>vzifup-post</code>: do not fail if there's no <code>/proc/vz/veip</code> ({{B|1918}})
* <code>vzsplit</code>: do not play with <code>CPUUNITS</code> ({{B|1627}})
* <code>vzsplit</code>: fix printing minimum RAM size
* <code>vzsplit</code>: fix <code>privvmpages</code> calculation

* <code>etc/init.d/vz*</code>: mount cgroups
* <code>etc/dists/scripts/</code>: support for resolvconf in CT
* <code>etc/conf/ve-unlimited.conf-sample</code>: remove <code>VERSION</code>
* <code>etc/dists/scripts/*</code>: remove bashisms
* <code>vzctl set</code>: improve parsing int and ulong numbers
* <code>vzctl start</code>/set: be less chatty when running distscripts
* <code>bash_completion</code>: complete <code>.tar</code>, <code>tar.bz2</code> and <code>tar.xz</code> for <code>--ostemplate</code>
* <code>vzsplit</code>, <code>vzctl set</code>: better output of UBC parameters
* <code>vzsplit</code>: fix help/usage output
* <code>vzsplit</code>: fix text of a generated config comment
* <code>vzsplit</code>: show usage in case of invalid arguments
* <code>vzsplit</code>: print 'container' not 'containers' for a single CT
* <code>etc/dists/scripts/</code>: improve removing old nameservers
* <code>etc/dists/scripts/*</code>: enhancements
* <code>vzctl set --capability</code>: fix capability parsing error message
* <code>vzubc</code>: fix for Debian/<code>mawk</code>
* <code>vzubc</code>: fix <code>-i</code>/<code>-r</code> modes for 0th beancounter
* Various code cleanups and refactoring

* <code>vzctl --help</code>: fix more than 80 columns output
* <code>scripts/</code>: fix <code>VE_STATE</code> description
* configs: <code>CONFIG_CUSTOMIZED</code> parameter is obsoleted
* <code>man/vzctl.8</code>: use simfs in mount script example
* <code>man/vzctl.8</code>: in <code>SYNOPSYS</code> <code>--netif_del</code> can be <code>all</code>
* <code>man/vzctl.8</code>: add a note to <code>ACTION SCRIPT</code> about execution context
* <code>man/*</code>: Many other fixes and improvements

'''Build system'''
* Add ability to build snapshots from git (<code></code>)
* <code></code>: use newer macros
* <code></code>: many missing checks added

{{git log|vzctl|vzctl-3.0.29|}}

=== Thanks ===

OpenVZ project would like to thank the following people who contributed patches
and/or provided bug reports for this vzctl release (in no particular order):

* Tim Small
* Dietmar Maurer
* Mario Kleinsasser
* Sam Trenholme
* Slava Dubrovskiy
* Leandro López
* Scott Dowdle

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