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For the a project such as OpenVZ, security of the software is of paramount importance. This is Let's explain how we assure that OpenVZ is secure.
== Kernel ==
The OpenVZ kernel is based on the Linux kernel. OpenVZ team is tracking and analyzing all the security updates to the Linux kernel and applies them accordingly.
Note that current stable The OpenVZ kernel branch is based on 2the Linux kernel.6.8 The OpenVZ team tracks and analyzes all the security updates to the Linux kernel, which is quite oldand applies them accordingly. This is done to  To achieve the maximum possible security and stability, stable OpenVZ kernels are based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernels, which are conservative and well-maintained. By using the older an enterprise kernel as a base (rather than latest vanilla kernel), we do neither add avoid adding new bugs nor or security holes, but still the old bugs and holes ones are getting discovered and fixed, and the kernel matures. Big vendors such as Novell and Red Hat are doing the same for their enterprise Linux offerings: for example, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 is based on kernel 2.6.9.
== Audit ==
 OpenVZ has undergone a throughtout thorough security audit , [ performed by Solar Designer ] in winter 2005. He found a single issue in OpenVZ kernel code and a couple of issues in mainstream Linux kernel code — all of them there were fixed, and the mainstream fixes were sent to the LKML.
[[Category: Security]]
[[Category: Kernel]]

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