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where * <code>$IP </code> is ip an IP address which should use non-default GWgateway. You can also use netmask here, e.g. <code></code> will mean that all VEs with addresses like 10.9.8.x will be routed through the given gateway.* <code>$GW </code> is a gateway for this IP addraddress.* <code>$TBL - </code> is any free table number, I use numbers from 6 to .upwards.Note that tables 250-255 are usually reserved (see <code>/etc/iproute2/rt_tables</code>. Note that every next new non-std GW standard gateway will require another table number.
== See also ==[http://forum.openvz.org/index.php?t=msg&gototh=1631&&srch=src+routing268 Forum thread #msg_1631268][http://forum.openvz.org/index.php?t=treemsg&th=492&mid=2881&&rev=&reveal=Forum thread #492]