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Quick installation (Spanish)

1,356 bytes added, 03:16, 3 February 2007
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OpenVZ consiste en un kernel, Herramientas de nivel de usuario (user-level), y plantillas VE (VE templates). Esta guia te dice como instalar el Kernel y las herramientas
== Requerimientos ==
Esta guia asume que estas ejecutando una Versión reciente de Fedora Core (como la FC5) o RHEL/CetOS 4, Actualmente el Kernel del OpenVZ intenta soportar el mismo hardware que el Kernel de Red Hat Soporta. Para la lista completa de compatibilidad de hardware visite [ Virtuozzo HCL] (En Inglés).
=== Sistemas de Archivos ===
Se recomienda usar una particion por cada directorio VE (por defecto /vz/prvate/<veid>), la razón es por que....
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=== Filesystems ===
It is recommended to use a separate partition for VEs private directories (by default /vz/private/<veid>). The reason why you should do so is that if you wish to use OpenVZ per-VE disk quota, you won't be able to use usual Linux disk quotas on the same partition. Bear in mind, that per-VE quota in this context includes not only pure per-VE quota, but also usual Linux disk quota used in VE, not on HN.
At least try to avoid using root partition for VEs, because the root user of VE will be able to overcome 5% disk space barrier in some situations. This way HN root partition can be completely filled and it will break the system.
OpenVZ per-VE disk quota is supported only for ext2/ext3 filesystems. So use one of these filesystems (ext3 is recommended) if you need per-VE disk quota.

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