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Backup of a running container with vzdump

5,961 bytes added, 20:46, 4 August 2012
Reverted edits by StevenCook (talk) to last revision by Kir
= Vzdump =Vzdump is an a utility to make consistent snapshots of running OpenVZ VEscontainers (and KVM virtual machines if you are using [ Proxmox VE]). It basically creates a tar archive of the VE container's private area, which also includes the VE CT configuration files.
There are several ways to provide consistency:
- * Stop the VE CT during backup (very long downtime) - * Use rsync and suspend/resume (minimal downtime) - * Use LVM2 (no downtime)
Vzdump stores the backup on the disk in a single file. This file should go to a tape backup for archiving.
== Download ==
Download vzdump rpm or deb packages from for newest version, check . For Debian based systems:<pre>wget</pre>
For rpm based systems:
For Debian based systems:<pre>wget http://downloadfuture versions, Proxmox will not release rpm´s, so you need to take a look at the someone else can maintain vzdump/vzdump-0.3-1.noarch.rpm</pre>packages?)
== Installation ==
For rpm based systems:
<pre>rpm -i vzdump-01.32-15.noarch.rpm</pre>
For Debian based systems:
<pre>dpkg -i vzdump_0vzdump_1.32-1_all16_all.deb</pre>
== Synopsis ==
see also: <pre>man vzdump OPTIONS [--all â <VEID/pre>]
vzdump OPTIONS [--all | <VMID>]
--exclude VMID exclude VMID (assumes --all)
--exclude-path REGEX exclude certain files/directories. You
can use this option more than once to specify
multiple exclude paths
--stdexcludes exclude temporary files and logs
--compress compress dump file (gzip)
--storage STORAGE_ID store resulting files to STORAGE_ID (PVE only)
--script execute hook script
--dumpdir DIR store resulting files in DIR
--maxfiles N maximal number of backup files per VM.
--tmpdir DIR store temporary files in DIR. --suspend and --stop
are using this directory to store a copy of the VM.
--mailto EMAIL send notification mail to EMAIL. You can use
this option more than once to specify multiple
--stop stop/start VM if running
--suspend suspend/resume VM when running
--snapshot use LVM snapshot when running
--size MB LVM snapshot size (default 1024)
--bwlimit KBPS limit I/O bandwidth; KBytes per second
--lockwait MINUTES maximal time to wait for the global
lock. vzdump uses a global lock file to make
sure that only one instance is running
(running several instance puts too much load
on a server). Default is 180 (3 hours).
--stopwait MINUTES maximal time to wait until a VM is stopped.
== Examples ==Use a running container, for example install this: [[Proxmox Mail Gateway in container]]. === Backup === Simply dump CT 777 — no snapshot, just archive the container private area and configuration files to the default dump directory (usually <code>/vz/dump/</code>).  vzdump 777 Use rsync and suspend/resume to create a snapshot (minimal downtime).  vzdump --suspend 777 Backup all containers and send notification mails to root.  vzdump --suspend --all --mailto root Use LVM2 to create snapshots (no downtime).  vzdump --dumpdir DIR store resulting /space/backup --snapshot 777 Note that using LVM2 and vzdump to create snapshots requires 512Mb of free space in your VG as described [ here]. === Set-up LVM ===While the LVM solution is the cleanest, since it allows to create an online backup without having to stop or suspend the virtual machine, it is also the hardest to set up. There are a few dependencies you should be aware of before setting up your LVM: * You need to have at least 512MB free in your LVM volume group, to be able to create snapshots* The directory where you are writing your backup dumps to (usually <code>/vz/dump</code>) should be on a different volume group than the one you are taking a backup from (usually <code>/vz/private</code>)* There is a bug in <code></code> that can make the snapshot creation fail ==== Partitioning ====As described above, you need to keep a few things in mind when creating your LVM partitions. In the example setup below, there are a total of 4 partitions: * <code>/</code>, which is hosting the default OS files , on a 10GB LVM logical volume* <code>/boot</code>, which is hosting the kernel and bootloader config, on a 512MB standard Linux partition* <code>/opt</code>, which is hosting the backup dump files, on a 100GB LVM logical volume* <code>/vz</code>, which is hosting all virtual machine files, on a 1.6TB LVM logical volume All logical volumes are hosted on a 1.8TB volume group of which only 1.7TB is used by the above partitions and 100GB is unallocated. In this setup the 100GB of free volume group space and 100GB of backup directory have been chosen to hold the snapshots and tar files that will be created when the virtual machine will be backed up. As specified above, only 512MB of snapshot space is needed, but it's better to be safe than having to resize your volumes at a later stage when disk space is not an issue. The same holds for the backup directory. ==== Fixing ====When trying to backup a virtual machine, creation of the snapshot can fail. This is because of a bug in <code></code>. In CentOS (and other RHEL derivatives), this file is located in DIR<code>/usr/share/perl5/PVE/</code>. On line 622, you will find the following:  if ($line =~ m|^\s*(\S+):(\S+):(\d+(\.\d+))M$|) { Replace this with:  if ($line =~ m|^\s*(\S+):(\S+):(\d+([\.,]\d+))[mM]$|) {
--xdelta create a differential backup using xdeltaSave and close the file. Snapshots will now work with <code>vzdump</code>
--mailto EMAIL send notification mail ==== Example ====Since in the above example we have relocated the dump directory, you will need to EMAILrun backups with a command similar to the following:
vzdump --stop stopdumpdir /start VPS if runningopt/backupdir --snapshot 101
--suspend suspend/resume VPS when running=== Restore ===
--snapshot use LVM snapshot when runningRestore the above backup to CT 600:
vzrestore /space/backup/vzdump-777.tar 600OR vzdump --restore FILENAME restore FILENAME</pre>space/backup/vzdump-777.tar 600
= Examples === Backup == Note : vzdump --restore is not present in version 1.2-7, use vzrestore instead.
Simply dump VE 777 == Bugs =='''(not fixed in 1.2- no snapshot4)'''The rsync command used by vzdump to create the backup in suspend mode partially ignores the "--exclude-path" option.In fact, even if the excluded paths won't appear in the final output, just archive the VE private area and configuration files whole VPS will be moved to the default dump temporary directory (usually /vz/dump/), meaning that you need as much free disk space as your VPS size to use vzdump. It can be an issue in the case of a file server handling many files...
''Workaround:'' A workaround has been proposed on OpenVZ forum, see below for the excerpt. (<pre>vzdump 777</pre>User: tatawakiMessages: 3Registered: December 2008 Junior MemberFrom: *
Use rsync and suspend/resume to create a snapshot (minimal downtime).Line 694:my $rsyncopts = "--stats --numeric-ids --bwlimit=${opt_bwlimit}";
<pre>vzdump --suspend 777</pre># changes to
Backup all VEs and send notification mails to rootmy $rsyncopts = "--stats --numeric-ids --bwlimit=${opt_bwlimit}";$rsyncopts = $rsyncopts." --exclude-from=/home/backups/exclude_vzdump.txt";
the txt file contains <preVEID>vzdump --suspend --all --mailto root</pre>home/:
Use LVM2 to create snapshots (no downtime)1094/home/510/opt/...</pre>
<pre>'''(fixed in 1.1-1)'''vzdump will fail under Debian Etch in version 1.0--dumpdir /space/backup 2 if it is invoked with parameter "--snapshot 777</pre>" and if the logical volume name contains a hyphen.
== Restore == ''Workaround:'' One possible workaround is to rename the logical volume in question thus it doesn't contain any hyphen.A bug report was sent to proxmox on 02 June 2008.Other distributions or versions may be affected, too.
Restore above backup to VE 600<!--link dead== Hooks ==
<pre> -hook-ftp-restore /space/backup/vzdump-777.tar 600</prescript - Backup to FTP with limited capacity-->[[Category: HOWTO]]

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