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Creating OpenVZ LiveCD

1,289 bytes added, 08:19, 31 July 2007
The last major step is to copy vmlinuz to isolinux directory:
cp vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.el5-028stab027 cd-contents/boot/isolinux/linux
Wow! WeActually, now we're ready to create iso image with KNOPPIX OpenVZ LiveCD.But I describe a bit cosmetic changes now. First, we want to add OpenVZ logo and sloganto the startup screen of KNOPPIX. This picture is stored in boot/isolinux/logo.16 file in lss16 format.To convert this image to gif format we should install syslinux and netpbm-progs packages.After that the following actions should be done:<pre>mkdir boot-picturecp cd-contents/boot/isolinux/logo.16 boot-picture/cd boot-picturelss16toppm < logo.16 > logo.ppmppmtogif < logo.ppm > logo.gif</pre> Then I edit OpenVZ logo using gimp and save the image in bmp format.Converting and copying logo to the appropriate place:<pre>bmptoppm < logo.bmp > logo.ppmppmtolss16 < logo.ppm > logo.16cd ..cp boot-picture/logo.16 cd-contents/boot/isolinux/logo.16</pre> Knoppix uses KDE as Window Manager and after KDE is loaded you can see the web pagewith information about using KNOPPIX. Of course, we want you to see the informationabout basics of using OpenVZ. So we write a page: [[Basic operations in OpenVZ]] and saved itin cd-contents/KNOPPIX/ directory. Then we just edited etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession file so,that Basic_operations_in_OpenVZ.html.html file is opened on KDE start. Great, let's write it all on CD:
chmod -R u+w cd-contents
[[Category: HOWTO]]
[[Category: Live CD]]

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