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Ubuntu Hardy TODO

695 bytes added, 12:32, 23 November 2007
created (not finished yet)
This document is to track the status of OpenVZ integration into Ubuntu 8.04 «Hardy Heron».

== Kernel ==

Need to port OpenVZ patchset to kernel to 2.6.24 (which is also a base for Ubuntu kernel).

Status: in progress.

== Tools ==

=== vzctl ===

Currently Ubuntu ships vzctl-3.0.16, which has to be updated to 3.0.19.

=== vzpkg ===

Don't have plans to ship vzpkg in Ubuntu

=== vzquota ===

Currently Ubuntu ships vzquota-3.0.9, make sense to refresh to vzquota-3.0.11.

== Templates ==

We need to create somewhat minimal Hardy template and probably pack it into a package.

As Ubuntu comes with debootstrap, making Ubuntu templates is pretty easy. See [[Ubuntu Gutsy template creation]].

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