vps, ve -> container
Below is an example of how to install Asterisk into OpenVZ VE container based on debian Debian stable aka. "sargeSarge":.
$ /etc/init.d/asterisk start
* for capi: you need the /dev files on you hw-node host [[system]] and vpsin container:
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 68, 0 Jan 3 2006 /dev/capi20
''If the files doesn' exist use mknod for creating it.'' and in your vps container config add for directly access:
DEVICES="c:68:0:rw, c:68:1:rw, c:68:2:rw"
* for zaptel/zaphfc:
/* if the files doesn' exist use mknod for creating it*/
and in your vps container config
DEVICES="c:196:0:rw, c:196:2:rw, c:196:1:rw, c:196:253:rw,c:196:254:rw,c:196:255:rw"
DEVICES="c:68:0:rw, c:68:1:rw, c:68:2:rw c:196:0:rw, c:196:2:rw, c:196:1:rw, c:196:253:rw,c:196:254:rw,c:196:255:rw"