extra EOL removed; some code tags
[[Category: Templates]]
[[Category: Ubuntu]]
This article summarizes the experience of creating Ubunty Gutsy Gibbon (a.k.a. 7.10) template for OpenVZ.
==== Disable getty ====
On a usual Linux system, <code>getty </code> is running on a virtual terminals, which a container does not have. So, having <code>getty </code> running doesn't make sense; more to say, it complains it can not open terminal device and this clutters the logs.
So, first of all we stop all <code>getty </code> processes:
[container]# initctl stop tty{1,2,3,4,5,6}
Next, we disable running <code>getty</code>. This can be done in two ways:
First way:
[container]# dpkg -P system-services
Second way can be dangerous for future versions of <code>system-services</code>, but it's OK for now since the only service they carry is running gettys<code>getty</code>s.
==== Set sane permissions for /root directory ====
[container]# usermod -L root
==== "fake-modprobe" needed for IPv6 addresses ====
chmod a+x /etc/rc2.d/S15ssh_gen_host_keys
==== Disable <code>sync()</code> for syslog ====
After that, it would make sense to disable <code>mtab.sh</code> script which messes with <code>/etc/mtab</code>:
[container]# update-rc.d -f mtab.sh remove
==== Disable some services ====