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Making template tools to work on x86 64

226 bytes added, 18:32, 19 May 2008
no edit summary
* Get and build Python 2.4.5 having exported CFLAGS="-m32" and LD_FLAGS="-m32" into /usr/local/python-2.4.5-32 by using --prefix=/usr/local/python-2.4.5-32 as an argument to configure
* Download ez_setup from and run /usr/local/python-2.4.5-32/bin/python (this will make some things easier)
* download and install cElementTreeElementTree-1.2.6(easy_install)* download and install libxml2-python-2.6.9, you will need to have libxml-devel.i386 and libxslt-devel.i386 already installed(* download and install urlgrabber-3.1.0(
* /usr/local/python-2.4.5-32/bin/easy_install pysqlite, make sure you have sqlite-devel installed
* replace /usr/bin/python with /usr/local/python-2.4.5-32/bin/python in /usr/share/vzyum/yum-cli/, /usr/share/vzyum/yum-cli/, /usr/share/vzyum/bin/yum
* modify /usr/share/vzpkg/functions change get_pythonver to run your custom version of python and not the system version
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