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Creating OpenVZ LiveCD based on Centos 4.4

594 bytes added, 07:55, 26 August 2010
Reverted edits by 3qdesigns123 (Talk) to last revision by Kirshil
This part contains detailed description of LiveCD creation. I've removed the output of some
commands in order to simplify the reading.
Note: before proceed with commands below, one needs to disable SE Linux on the host, otherwise rpm operations
in cdroot-ed environment described later on will fail due to inability to restore security file context. So, please,
# setenforce 0
This will put SE linux in so-called 'permissive' mode, where all the blockers will be substituted by warnings.
If you wanna get rid of the warnings (rather annoying), the only way to do is to edit <tt>/etc/sysconfig/selinux</tt>
to read <tt>SELINUX=disabled</tt> and then reboot the host.
=== Creating booted LiveCD root filesystem ===
<tt>tetex</tt>, <tt>latex</tt>, <tt>k3b</tt> and printing related packages:
# cp -r to_booted_livecd/ livecd-root/tmp/# chroot livecd-root/
# rpm -e lksctp-tools-1.0.2-6.4E.1.i386
Clean it:
# rm livecd-root/root/.bash_history
Here we have to make one step to workaround [[Checkpointing and live migration]] problem. The thing is that at the moment
on this directory:
mkdir livecd-root/vz/private/
At the moment vzquota doesn't support <tt>tmpfs</tt> ([ Bug #558]).
# rm -f ovz-livecd/base/*.mo
# for f in bin etc lib root sbin usr var vz; do \
mksquashfs livecd-root/$f ovz-livecd/base/$ -keep-as-directory; \
than 8 characters) to kernel image, otherwise <tt>isolinux</tt> will not see it.
# cp livecd-root/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-ovz028stab035.1-smp ovz-livecd/boot/ovz18
Modify initrd image. More precisely, we need to add OpenVZ kernel modules there
Copy modules to initrd:
# cp -r ../livecd-root/lib/modules/2.6.18-ovz028stab035.1-smp/ mount/lib/modules/
# rm -rf mount/lib/modules/2.6.18-ovz028stab035.1-smp/build # we don't neet it on initrd image
# umount mount/
# gzip initrd
# /bin/cp initrd.gz ../ovz-livecd/boot/initrd.gz
# cd ..

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