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User Guide/Managing Resources

96 bytes added, 11:56, 28 April 2009
Turning On and Off Second-Level Quotas for Container: fix numbered list; use vzctl restart
# Second-level (per-user and per-group) disk quotas are enabled for the given Container;
# The value that you assign to this parameter will be the limit for the number of file owners and groups of this Container, including Linux system users. Note that you will theoretically be able to create extra users of this Container, but if the number of file owners inside the Container has already reached the limit, these users will not be able to own files.
Unable to apply new quota values: ugid quota not initialized
Saved parameters for CT 101
# '''vzctl stop 101; vzctl start restart 101''' Restarting container Stopping CT container ... CT Container was stopped CT Container is unmounted Starting CT container ... CT Container is mounted Adding IP address(es): Setting CPU units: 1000 Hostname for CT setConfigure meminfo: vps10165536 File was modified CT Container start in progress...
=== Setting Up Second-Level Disk Quota Parameters ===

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