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2006 contributions

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A lot of contributions were made by OpenVZ users throughout 2006. Below is the (incomleteincomplete) list of users and their contributions. If you see that something/somebody is missing, feel free to add.
OpenVZ project would like to thank everybody who made it better in one way or another.
== Brain Teasers - How To Grow Old Without Feeling Old/Large ==
With this [ '''Brain Teasers'''] lots of people can feel their are still young. With things that most people can have such ways that will surely make them have the chance on making them satisfy their needs in living. It can make those people have its best situations they can have in life. We can surely make them satisfy their needs in living that most people wanted to have such ways that will make those people have '''brain teasers'''. Playing games that can make your mind puzzled can be a great game for those people to have the things that will surely make those people have its best situations in life. Their are things that will surely make those people have the things the best for them to have Brain Teasers that can make your mind have such ways they can be satisfied.
For the things that an individual can make the best situations wherein they can have such [ '''Brain Teasers'''] in playing games. It will make you sure that you are going to think younger with such a positive attitude towards life. It can really change your life. '''Brain teasers''' can be a great help for those people to have such ways that will surely make them have its best situations they may need to have in living.
== vzctl ==
Links to the actual code: [ patches]
== Kernel ==
A lot of people filed helpful bug reports to [ OpenVZ bugzilla].
[[Category: Infrastructure]]
[[Category: Contributions]]

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