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Spreading the word

1,465 bytes added, 15:50, 28 May 2015
spread the word about OpenVZ
The easiest way to give back to the OpenVZ community is by sharing OpenVZ with others: Recommend OpenVZ to others, show them how to download and install OpenVZ and the possibilities and qualities of Open Source Software. As the OpenVZ community grows, so does its influence and the more accepted and supported OpenVZ will become! You can spread the word by:

* Give a talk at your local university, Linux User Group on OpenVZ! There are lots of notes from [ OpenVZ talks] given by others in several languages on the wiki.
* Write a short account of how and why you use OpenVZ by following these guidelines and send it to Your story can then be used to show others how OpenVZ can be used!

== Converting Friends ==

Converting friends to use Free formats, Free software, GNU/Linux, and of course, OpenVZ is something that you should know how to do properly. It is of course a very effective way of getting OpenVZ out to more people but you must be careful of your actions not only to increase your rate of success, but to prevent any problems that could damage your, or OpenVZ's, image.

== Marketing ==

If you want to help promoting and marketing OpenVZ in a more general and coordinated effort, you can join the OpenVZ Marketing Team which coordinates a number projects including the Fridge, the community-driven news hub for all things OpenVZ, and the OpenVZ Weekly News - a weekly update on OpenVZ development.