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Here are some companies that are working together with OpenVZ project in one or another way. Feel free to add your company profile here ('''in alphabetical order''').
{{Note|Hosting service providers should add their entries to [[Hosting providers]], not here. Thanks.}}
== Atlassian ==
[ Atlassian] uses OpenVZ in its private cloud (slides [ "Inside the Atlassian OnDemand Private Cloud"] (since slide 40) and [ video]) and as environment [ "Puppet Camp Tokyo 2014: Fireballs, ice bats and 1,000,000 plugins: a story of continuous delivery"] (slide 15).
== Computer Tyme ==
[ Computer Tyme] is using OpenVZ for their spam filtering service [ Junk Email Filter dot com]. They are active proponents of OpenVZ; Marc Perkel worked at the OpenVZ booth during LinuxWorld Expo 2007.
== Fry-IT Ltd Fortech I.T. Solutions ==[http://wwwFortechITSolutions.fry-itca Fortech Fry-IT LtdSolutions] is a London an IT consulting company based webin Halifax (Nova Scotia, mobile and hosting consultancy and among the Canada) specializing in open-source solutions. We offer services we provide are system solutions involving Clusteringin a variety of areas, Load Balancing and High Availability, with OpenVZ as the including virtualization technology solutions based on a number of choiceplatforms - including OpenVZ.
An example of our consulting work is the == Impulso Srl ==[ Impulso] offers white label Internet Services and uses OpenVZ cluster powering 6 applications at for their managed email services like [ MOD Defence Academyit Posta Linda] in the UK, the public website being one of the applications. To our clients, hosted with us or running their own infrastructure, we provide a complete solution from custom Impulso also offers support for OpenVZ scripts, a container resource limits management web application to thorough documentation of system management proceduresin Italy.
== LastSpam Inguza Technology AB ==[ LastSpam] offers managed e-mail security services (anti-spam and anti-virus/bad content) and uses OpenVZ to deliver excellent service and support to its customers. Ugo Bellavance, LastSpam's head server architect and manager is an active member of the OpenVZ community: helping on the forum, making suggestions, and submitting patches. == netVOICE communications ==[ netVOICE communications] is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (ITSP) that uses OpenVZ as the basis for their [ Virtual Private Asterisk Server (VPAS)Inguza Technology AB] offering. They also offer consulting on running Asterisk (maintains the leading Open Source telephony platform) on Debian GNU Linux version of OpenVZ. netVOICE is a Digium Approved Reseller and has a Digium Certified Asterisk Professional [ (dCAP)] on staff.
== Openwall ==
At [ Openwall], we develop our own Open Source software with a focus on security, including [ Openwall GNU/*/Linux] (or Owl for short), a security-enhanced server platform.
Our [ professional services] include remote installation (you boot off CD, we do the rest) and maintenance (systems and security administration) of OpenVZ-enabled servers and mini-networks of such servers. We typically use the OpenVZ kernel, the Owl userland for the host system, and arbitrary Linux distributions for the containers (most often that's Owl as well - with additional software to meet your needs). We readily have software solutions for provision of advanced LAMP hosting with cross virtual host security separation within each container (that is, not only the containers are separated due to OpenVZ, but also virtual hosts within containers are separated at the OS level), multi-server backups (incremental, remote, encrypted, integrity-checked), monitoring (many custom Nagios sensors, including for things such as backups, filesystem errors, RAID status, etc.), and more.
== OpenWorx ==
[ OpenWorx] is an IT company specialized for small and medium scaled business. Support on Linux and Open Source: webapplications, virtualization (OpenVZ), linux desktops and servers (Ubuntu, Debian, Centos).
== Pixar ==
[ Pixar Animation Studios] uses OpenVZ as a part of rendering platform.
== Planettel ==
[ PlaNetTel] Asia Pacific Pte Ltd is a Singapore registered company providing OpenVZ support and appliances besides other Open Source technologies with a focus on SaaS and Asterisk based CRM services. Development and support is assisted by Open Source developer [ Ap.Muthu] and Marketing and Sales by [ Thomas Festus]. The OpenVZ Templates contributed and supported by use include [ eyeOS], [ vTigerCRM], [ OpenGOO / FengOffice], [ FrontAccounting], [ Moodle], MediaWiki v1.16., Joomla v1.6, SimpleGroupWare among others. '''Support''' for Planettel / [ GNUAcademy] released OpenVZ Templates is '''[ available]'''.
== Proxmox ==
[ ProxmoxVE] is an easy to use Open Source virtualization platform for running pre-built Virtual Appliances and Virtual Machines (based on OpenVZ and [ using OpenVZorg KVM] for their full virtualization).  The Proxmox spam filtering appliance can run as an OpenVZ container. (see [[Proxmox Mail Gateway in container]]). Proxmox is also the author of [[Vzdump]] utility. == Revolution Linux == [ Linux] is an IT company specialized in large scale infrastructure deployement using Open Source technologies. Most/en/virtualization/openvz/vzdump/ vzdump] utilityall of our deployements rely extensively on containers (OpenVZ and Linux Vserver). We also offer OpenVZ training to our customers when deploying an infrastructure.
== Solarspeed Ltd. ==
[ Solarspeed Ltd.] is a CentOS + BlueQuartz server specialist, selling server systems and software solutions. We developed [ Aventurin{e}], which is a Linux Virtualization Appliance Software. It is based on OpenVZ and is available in a non-clustering and a clustering version. The clustering version uses DRBD and Heartbeat. The GUI interface of [ Aventurin{e}] is based on the [ BlueQuartz] and allows to easily manage and create virtual servers or to perform administrative tasks on the master node. == Solutions First ==[ Aventurin{e}] is available as [ Solutions Firstnet/aventurine-iso-image.html ISO image download] is , as a ready to run [ Linux and Open Source infrastructure specialist companyVirtualization Appliance] or as a ready to run [http://www. Amongst many other FOSS products, we sell and support OpenVZ for our customerssolarspeed. We are happy to provide support of OpenVZ any Asia-Pacific customersnet/cart. We have experience in generic container hosting environments, templated applications, HA clusters and much more OpenVZ specific applicationsphp?target=product&product_id=16264&category_id=272 Linux Virtualization Appliance Cluster].
== ==
== Thomas-Krenn.AG ==
[ / Thomas-Krenn.AG] is a server specialist, selling server systems and solutions. One of the solution products is a pre-installed [ cluster system], built with Virtuozzo. They published how to build such a cluster with OpenVZ at [[HA cluster with DRBD and Heartbeat]]. == == uses OpenVZ in development process.See [ video], [ slides]. == Yandex == [ Yandex] uses OpenVZ in his own test load system Lunapark.See slides [ "Танки в Лунапарке: нагрузочное тестирование в Яндексе"] (since 108 slide) (RU).
== See also ==
* [[Sponsors]]
* [[Hosting providers]] — HSPs using OpenVZ
* [[Download mirrors]] — people and companies providing mirrors for OpenVZ software
* [[Control panels]]
* [[2006 contributions]]