,added Solarspeed Ltd
[http://proxmox.com Proxmox] is [http://www.proxmox.com/cms_proxmox/en/virtualization/openvz/ using OpenVZ] for their spam filtering appliance (see [[Proxmox Mail Gateway in container]]). Proxmox is also the author of [http://www.proxmox.com/cms_proxmox/en/virtualization/openvz/vzdump/ vzdump] utility.
== Solarspeed Ltd. ==
[http://www.solarspeed.net Solarspeed Ltd.] is a CentOS + BlueQuartz server specialist, selling server systems and software solutions. We developed [http://www.aventurin.net Aventurin{e}], which is a Linux Virtualization Appliance Software. It is based on OpenVZ and is available in a non-clustering and a clustering version. The clustering version uses DRBD and Heartbeat. The GUI interface of [http://www.aventurin.net Aventurin{e}] is based on the [http://www.bluequartz.org BlueQuartz] and allows to easily manage and create virtual servers or to perform administrative tasks on the master node.
== Solutions First ==